lovers to strangers

Start from the beginning

So he stayed on the sidelines.

Until you found yourself in a relationship with his old best friend from middle school.

At first, you were hesitant, thought he was just another playboy who just wanted to get in your pants. But as you got to know said boy better it turned out he was a lot different than what he perceived.

So when he ask you for what felt like the one-hundredth time to go on a date with him, you caved and decided you would. Your heart still belonged to the boy with the warmest smile but you needed closure.

And now here you were happy, you're happy at least you think you are. You pretend not to see the longing looks from your ex-lover. You had to.

But your heart would never forget that boy who had the sweetest laugh and the brightest smile.


"( y/n )."

Closing your locker door you heard the familiar call of your name come from the boy you once knew turning your gaze to him your eyes met gorgeous deep brown ones.

Miles Mor-


You question in confusion, what could he possibly want from you? Once your eyes landed on said boy it was like a dam of emotions flooded through.

Your heart swelled looking at him.

"Did you uh, need something?"

It was quiet. He just stared at you like he was trying to muster the courage to say something but the words he desperately wanted to say wouldn't come out.

You both stood there looking at each other for what felt like an eternity when in actuality it had only been three minutes.

Finally breaking the long trance you notice the time, "I'm late for class, miles, raincheck?" You rushed to get to class but we're stopped by a hand grasping your forearm.

Miles. He grabbed your arm, stopping you from running away, "( y/n ), why him?" Looking back at him your face scrunches in confusion.

But then it hit you. "... I like him." Pulling your arm from his grasp you face him.

"Look, miles. What happened between us-"

"You don't get it to do you, ( y/n )?"

You once again were confused. "Listen I don't wanna play any of your fucking mind games, okay miles? If you got something to say say it otherwise I gotta get to class."

Trying to leave again failed when he stepped in front of you. "What the fuck is it now, miles?!" You were tired of his shit.

"You hate me don't you?"

"Hate you?- I FUCKING LOVED YOU AND YOU BROKE MY HEART!... now let me get to class."

"( y/n ) just know I'm sorry."

"Well, yeah? I am too."

silence fills the lit halls.

The two of you just stand there. Then you turn and you're the first to walk away.

Yet right when you take the first step a hand grabs yours and you find yourself crashing into a pair of lips.

mans did not just force you into a kiss- he did. this nigga just made you kiss him ...


As soon as you feel your lips on someone's that isn't your significant other. You push that boy back and look up at him with the biggest black girl stereotype face in the world.

"Tf?" is all you can manage to get out cause you can't seem to wrap your head around the fact that this boy can't let you go, more so over, he decided to kiss you when you aren't his to kiss.

"Boy, I know damn well you did not just put your lips on mine."

"( y/n ), listen-"

"Miles, I know damn well you did not just try n kiss me."

He just stood there. Couldn't even own up to it he just stood there like his tongue just got cut off by his mama.

Before you could even stop yourself your hand was already on that boy's face, backhand, and everything. It was a natural reflex at that point.

"( Y/n ) ..."

He looked down at you like you just shot him in the leg. "Miles you fucking kissed me. one, without consent, and two, IM IN A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP BOY WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???"

Must be outta his goddamn mind I swear.

"I'm going to class, you can't even give me a valid reason as to why you did that, fuck you you're wasting my time."

And just like that, the boy was left in the halls with shame hanging over his head and an underlining gut feeling.

Head empty, only one thought consumed his mind,

"I should have never let you go."

He watched your lone figure walk away.

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