Start from the beginning

"I wanted to see you..." He said looking down at me

"At work? I smell like a dude and I'm in this hot ass uniform." I ranted making him smile resting his hands on my waist

"I like it." He replied simply before kissing my forehead

My date was tonight and I was beyond nervous, I hadn't even been on one in years.

"I have a surprise for you." He hummed lowly

"Uh-huh...?" I replied now resting my arms around his neck

"I'll give it to you on our date."

"Oh, God." I replied before laughing

"You're going to love tonight." He said with the biggest smile plastered across his lips

"I believe it, but why should I trust you?" I teased jokingly

"Oh, come on lady, you don't trust me?!" He whined rolling his eyes making me laugh

"I don't have time for this you big baby."

"Can I be your big baby?" He rebutted making me roll my eyes "I don't have time for this boy!" I said beginning to laugh as he tickled me.

"Yes you can be my big baby! I have to go back to work!" I squealed making him pout

"God, you're worst than Sarai!" I laughed before softly bopping his nose making him try and bite me before I snatched my hand back.

"Paul!" I exclaimed making him laugh

"That's not funny you just tried to bite me!" I said in disbelief

"You know it was kinda funny, just a little bit!" He replied sillily snuggling closer to me making a smile reappear across my face.

"Stop. We're not friends no more." I said crossing my arms around my chest trying to hide my smile before he held me tightly and said "Well I'm not letting you go until you forgive me."

He then laid a dozen kisses on my face and said "Baby, I'm sorry. You serious?"

I felt my heart beat faster by the second before I said "Of course not." smiling at him again.

Paul stared down at me for a split second before he rested a hand on my cheek as he pressed his lips against mines longingly.

It no longer felt intimidating to kiss him. I used to see Aiden but my whole disposition has changed and now I see a man showing me he cared...and it was nice.

Pulling back slowly, he bit his lip and I held his hand softly before saying "I gotta go."

"Ugh, I'll see you later since the station wants to take you from me." He groaned making me laugh

"See ya, Speedy."


I smiled happily with a towel around my body and my hair pinned up as I found clothes for tonight.

Paul wouldn't tell me anything as far as where we were going just to wear comfortable clothes.

♡︎𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒;Where stories live. Discover now