The Interrogation

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"What in the hell were you thinking?" Beelzebub yelled.

Crowley was sitting in a dark chair tied up and getting brutally scolded by his ruler.

"Lord Beelzebub I'm sorry" Crowley gave an apologetic smile that was in no way genuine.

"You were fraternizing with the enemy," Beelzebub said, pacing.

"I was not fraternizing! I was just tricking the idiotic creature!" Crowley yelled.

Crowley and Aziraphale had indeed been caught fraternizing with each other. Though Crowley was horrible at not being caught and Aziraphale was amazing at it.

Crowley had been taken away the previous night to be punished for his crimes. He began to imagine his coming future and figured it had something to do with a bath of holy water. The absolute worse kind of torture.

"Don't try to trick me Crowley, I saw the two of you touching up on each other like you were an old married couple!" Beelzebub yelled.

Crowley looked away blushing at his thoughts of Aziraphale and him the night before just appreciating each other.

"What do you think you two are anyway? Husbands? Lovers?" Beelzebub questioned.

Crowley shook his head.

"Aziraphale is nothing to me, just a distraction" Crowley insisted.

"If you truly insist I will give you one more chance. But Crowley listen and hear me well. You and Aziraphale, if you do think of him as something, will never be together. It is absolutely forbidden. Whatever you think you may have let you go before you're discorporated. I will do it myself if I must" Beelzebub insisted.

Beelzebub untied Crowley's restraints and pointed to the door.

"Now go"

Crowley stood and exited the room.

Crowley headed back to earth eager to see Aziraphale again.

Though he couldn't help but remember Beelzebub's harsh words.

They would never be together? It's forbidden?

Though he was a demon known for evil he hated this kind of it.

Crowley walked up the concrete steps to Aziraphale's bookshop.

He took a breath and knocked on the door.

After a moment Aziraphale opened the door to reveal himself to Crowley.

"Crowley! Your back!" He yelled, grabbing him into a hug.

Crowley jumped back fast pushing Aziraphale into the book shop. He slammed the door behind them moving the open sign to closed.

"Aziraphale you can't just do that out in the open!"

Aziraphale gave a confused look.

"You never cared before?"

Crowley raised an eyebrow taking a glance to his wrists which were badly bruised from the restraints.

Aziraphale followed Crowley's eyes to his wrists.

Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's wrists lightly.

"What happened here? Why didn't you tell me?"

Crowley grabbed his wrists back pulling his sleeve up.

"It's fine," Crowley muttered.

"Is it fine? Tell me what happened!"

Crowley sighed.

"I had a little meeting with Lord Beelzebub," Crowley said.

"Oh dear boy come here" Aziraphale said, pulling Crowley into a hug.

Crowley felt like crying though he refused to look so weak in front of Aziraphale.

"Come to bed," Aziraphale whispered to Crowley.

Crowley just lightly nodded into his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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