Chapter 24: Fresh start

Start from the beginning

"So, was this fierce Princess talking about me all day?".

Lucy raised a brow as she popped a raisin in her mouth.

"Pft no" she smirked back in the same way I always did.

Shaking my head in amusement, I lent down and took the raisin in her hand between my teeth and snatched it away from her just as she was about to eat it.

"How dare you!" she growled out as she bopped me on the nose.

"Aww, don't be mad. I'll get you some more. Now come on, I want to hear all about your ballet lesson today. And maybe if I'm lucky you can show me what you've learnt".

Nodding at Maria who was staring at us with love in her eyes, I scooped Lucy off the car and bundled her into the car before she could say another word.

Jumping into the passenger seat, I looked over to see Maria smiling as she put her seat belt.

It was never a dull day living with Lucy. She had always been a little madam, but her attitude was growing along with her age. It was as if her crown was growing more and more every day and she knew that I was at her beck and call.

"How was school today Dean?" Maria asked as she pulled out from her parking spot.

"It was alright thank you. Just glad it's finally the holidays so I can spend some time with the grumpy potato back there" I laughed as I looked back at Lucy who was glaring at me with her arms crossed across her chest.

"And you're the ugly toad" she snapped back whilst pointing her finger at me.

Sticking my tongue at her, I turned back and looked out the window thinking back to how everything changed after that eventful meeting with Adam years ago.

From what James told me, Adam had crawled back into hiding after the injuries I had inflicted on him. It seemed he was afraid by the sheer strength of a child.

James being the master of connections had put up false news that me and Lucy moved to the south of France in hopes of losing Adam so we could live in peace until I was old enough to kill him.

On top of that James made it clear over and over again that I was going to have a normal life.

He got me into a local secondary school and Lucy into a nursery of course making sure I was content that she'd be well looked after when I couldn't be there for her.

She was in the nursery that was closest to the school to reassure myself that I could be there within minutes if something was to go wrong.

Even though I didn't care about starting a new school, it seemed like life had other plans. My childhood friend Jackson moved here when he found out what happened and started the new school with me and soon enough became the most popular guys at school. 

However, I despised being around large groups of people. Too much drama and unnecessary attention. All I wanted was to get through school with my head buried down whilst watching Lucy flourish.

"Dean Bean, can I do your hair when we get home?" Lucy asked in a serious tone.

It was either her giving me a makeover, playing dolls or doing my hair.

"Of course, but this time, no glitter. I sneezed this morning and glitter fell all over my desk. I could have sworn I washed it all out last night and this morning".

Lucy let out a loud laugh along with Maria before adding that the house now has an extra shine to it due to all the glitter Lucy used.

"At least you're now on holiday. You're free to do whatever you want!" Maria exclaimed as she turned off the road we normally stayed on for a good 15 minutes.

"Where are we going?" I asked whilst resting my hand on the window as the high rise buildings flew by.

Turning around to the sound of Lucy's excited giggle, I frowned at her as she placed her finger on her lips signalling that she knew something I obviously didn't.

Looking back at the road, I rested back in my chair thinking up all the possibilities of where we would be going after school.

Choosing to stay silent listening to Lucy humming to herself, I let my eyes fall shut knowing I'd find out sooner rather than later.

Jerking myself awake, I rubbed my tired eyes only to see the moving car now parked.

"Where are we?" I asked still feeling groggy from what I assumed to be a power nap.

"Look outside silly. Come on" Lucy giggled whilst poking my cheek.

Following the direction of Lucy's little finger, my eyes widened to see James and Isabella standing outside their house with suitcases around them.

James' arms were wrapped around Isabella's waist as he looked down at her with the biggest smile on his face and she looked up at him before looking at us.

But as I became distracted by the happiness on their faces, I failed to notice both of them wearing mickey mouse headbands on their heads.

"What is going on?" I tapped Maria on the shoulder still frowning at Isabella and James who were now laughing at the confusion on my face.

"Mr and Mrs Richardson organised a surprise trip for you. You are all going to Disneyland Paris for a whole week" she smiled at me as she rested her hand on my cheek whilst staring at me lovingly.

"Are you excited for Disneyland Paris?".

I felt my heart skip a beat hearing both my mum and dad's voice in my head. We were supposed to go to Disneyland Paris. But life cruelly took them away before we had the chance.

I had many dreams, except none were for myself. But it had always been my wish to take Lucy and now that would be our reality.

"You're crying Dean Bean. Don't cry".

Lucy suddenly climbed onto my lap and began stroking away the tears I didn't even realise I was shedding.

"You should be happy" she frowned wondering what to do with me.

"Oh I am Lulu. They are tears of happiness. I am beyond happy" I smiled at her, but she didn't seem convinced.

Squeezing Lucy tightly, I shut my eyes and let out a loud laugh of joy and excitement. Of course, I would always wish I could have gone with mum and dad, but I came to the realisation years ago that they were gone and never coming back.

James had taught me a lot when it came to grief and guided me through it helping me to come out even stronger.

I knew my parents were proud of me and even though I missed them more than anything, I had to let go in order to move forward. And I needed to move forward for Lucy.

Warning - The next chapter is going to be so cute and wholesome.

Thank you for your patience x

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