She thought 'Um truth' she says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

'Who was your last hook up?' she asks 

'I'm a virgin.' she lies 

Simon looks 'I call bullshit. says the one who had a box of condoms in her bag back in December.'

Sara nods 'And says the one who has a huge one under his bathroom sink.'

Wilhelm looks 'In all fairness here, those are mine he doesn't use them.' he says 

Simon nods 'Yeah what he said, now answer the damn question.' he says to her and whispers to Wilhelm 'We need to grab those next Time we go over to my house' 

he smiles 'Don't worry we will.' he says 

Sara breathes 'Fine if everyone must know it was August, and it was more than once' 

'You mean the guy who ruined my life for a while?'  he asks and gets up 'Thats just wonderful Sara, your still hooking up with a perv who decided to film his cousin and me?' he asks 'The guy who basically took Wilhelm away from me?' 

'I have nothing to be sorry for, it's not like I kept it a secrete that he filmed it.' 

He breathes 'Thats not the point Sara, you still kept that a secrete for two fucking weeks.' 

She nods 'yeah and so did Wilhelm!' she yells 

'Wilhelm found out the same day you did, and Wilhelms mother kept it a secrete from him. he was trying to process that his own mother knew and didn't tell him. just like my own sister kept it a secrete for 2 weeks.' he says

Wilhelm got up 'I think you should both get a breather' he says 

Simon nods and breathes 'Im gonna go get some air. I'll meet you in our room in a little okay..?'

'Okay text me if you need anything, ok?' he asks 

'Ok' he says and walks out of the room 

Sara tried walking out but Wilhelm stopped her 'Leave him alone.' he says 'Give him a couple days, he will come around.' he says then walks out of the room and gave Simon around 10 minutes to cool off, he then walked down going outside, he looked around and saw Simon sitting on the steps. 

Wilhelm went and sits next to him, he knew he probably wouldn't want to talk so he was siting with him until he was ready.

Simon breathes he was gonna say something but didn't, he lays his head on Wilhelms shoulder.

They sat there for what seemed like hours, but it was only 30 minutes 'We should go inside' Wille told Simon.

He shook his head no, so Wilhelm took off his jacket and put it over Simon as he put his arms into the sleeves 'Thanks.' he says it was the first word he had said in 30 minutes.

'Do you wanna talk? its okay if you don't I'll stay right here next to you as long as you need.'

Simon looks around as it was dark 'Theres nothing to talk about..' he says letting out a small shaky breath 

Wilhelm nods 'I should have told you the second I found out Simon..' he says 

'I don't wanna fight with you to Wilhelm. We had just broken up and were avoiding each other even though its the hardest thing we do when mad at each other.' Simon says 

He nods 'I understand that babe.. but I'm just trying to say, you deserved to know and not have it hidden from you. Me or Sara shouldn't have been so selfish and kept it to ourselves for 2 weeks.' 

Simon gets up as he spoke and looked down at him 

'Theres a lot you kept from me Wilhelm, You knew about the video, you knew you weren't gonna tell everyone it was you in the video, but proceeded to tell me that we were in this together which was an absolute lie!.' he says 'You took drugs and thought you should take them because you lost me, instead of telling me you were gonna numb the pain with drugs.' 

Wilhelm looks at him, he was right so he stayed quiet 

He put his hand in his hands 'You ended things after you came back to hillerska after your brothers accident. just because you knew we shouldn't be together instead of fighting for me. You've hurt me just as much as she did, is there anything else I should know about?' he asks he was upset and didn't know what he was doing.

'Why are you bringing all  this up now?' Wilhelm asks him 'Is this you trying to break up with me?' he asks 

Simon runs  a hand through his hair 'I don't know!' he says teary eyed 'too much is happening at once..' he says 

Wille nods 'So here we are, instead of working this out the answer is to break up?' he asks him 'Because that's just what we do when things get hard?'

'oh yeah says the one who did it to me like 3 different fucking times' he says 'Every time we were doing good you either pushed me away or broke up with me.' he says annoyed to think that Simon was the only one who did it.

'Okay and I understand I did that, but we were in a very different place then, that was when we had to hide everything we did, it's different now.' he says 'Can we please try and work this out Simon.. I can't loose you again.' 

'You never lost me Wilhelm! You're the one who pushed away for the last time, you're the one who always made me feel like I wasn't enough for you, that I wasn't cute or hot enough for you.' he tells him 'Im sorry I get to do it this time, I'm not saying I'm breaking up with you, couples fight its normal and healthy that we do.' 

Wilhelm nods 'So then what are we doing?'

Simon looks 'I need some space to think' he says and pulls Wilhelm jacket off and gave into him 'I'll see you soon.' Simon tells him before leaving up to his own room which he never used, he would only ever use it if him and Wilhelm weren't talking, or needed space.

He nods and stayed outside for a bit before going up to his room opening the door, it was weird not seeing Simon there but he knew Simon was safe in his other room he never used'


It had been a couple of days since Simon initiated the little break/space thing, they both hadn't left their rooms knowing they missed a lot of school, friends had came but they didn't answer. Both of them were having a hard time staying away, there were multiple times they got up to but then backed out and went back to moping around. 

Finally Wilhelm got up and walked over to Simons dorm.

Simon had just gotten out of the shower and then got dressed 

He knocks on the door, hoping Simon would answer

Simon breathes walking over to the door, he opens It seeing Wilhelm 'Hi..' he says

Wilhelm went over kissing him closing the door behind him 

'Wilh-' he says then got cut off by Wilhelm kissing him, he kissed back wrapping his arms around his neck slowly pulling away 'One that was hot, and two I'm so sorry for saying all those things, I didn't mean any of that.' he says 

Wilhelm nods 'Your forgiven' he says and kissed him again 

He kissed back and slowly felt Wilhelms lips travel down to his neck and then collar bone pulling off his sweater that was unzipped 

He walked them to the bed as all their clothes came off quickly 

*Welp we all know what happens here*

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