第60章 ; im not dead.

Start from the beginning

"W-What?" the man in black grinned, he chuckles at what you just said.

The sun was setting, forming a really gorgeous ombré on the ocean along with the sky. And the cold wind brushes your skin, it felt nice.

He caresses your hand, pulling you towards the table for two that was seen on the sand. "Why don't we eat dinner now? It's turning six any moment now anyway."

"Ah...sure," you sat on the chair and immediately as you did, there were waitors who came rushing towards the table and placed plates down along with food and drinks.

You were surprised by all of this, really- to the point that you were speechless. "Dai, what's all this for?" you grinned at him.

He only smiled back at you while picking up his utensils to start eating. "Ha, don't just ignore me. It's not valentines day yet so why..."

Silence lingered on the atmosphere. It's as if Daisuke was still giving himself a moment to think of what to say before responding.


"I just want to show you how much you mean to me..."

You looked up on him, you caught his cheeks burning a lot making you smile. He's so cute at times like this.

A warm-hearted laugh escapes your lips. "Aw, I love you too." your response made the sexy man go mentally feral inside him.

"But Daisuke, you didn't really need to do all this because- uhm..." you give yourself a pause to think.

"...because being with you is already enough for me. And to be honest, I don't think I deserve you but nonetheless I'm glad I met you."

A few seconds pass by and you noticed that he was tilting his head down with this uncontrollably adorable blushing face. You probably said too much, eh?

"Are you okay? The food tastes really good, you should eat some. Oh, and thank you for the meal too!"

While you were munching on your own food and digging onto your plate, Daisuke stood up from his chair and said, "Sorry, wait for a moment." then left the area.

You just forgot about him and just mindlessly eat the appetizing meal. It seriously tastes so good, the readers are probably jealous cause' they haven't ate.

Sucks for you.

You took off your shoes and walk on the sand barefooted, crossing your way near the moving crystal-clear ocean. It was relaxing to be in such a place like this.

The next time you know it, Daisuke came back and walked towards you. "You took really long, where did you go?"

He sighed in frustruation, it seems like he was doing something that made him exhausted.

"I..." he gulped a lump down his throat. "I was jerking off in the restroom,"

You just frozed like a statue and looked at him disbelief. That was the first time ever he said something like that to you. Why did he admit it? Isn't he embarrassed?

Bruh moment.

"Y-You were what?!"

"I apologize. What you said earlier really turned me on and I didn't want to ruin your time eating," he confessed, this was so amusing to see.

You burst in joyful laughter, your heart pounded endlessly- no, it was actually racing so fast that you couldn't breathe properly.

"You could've lied or just said you were in the restroom for something,"

"Why would I lie to you? It's fine, at least you know that you turn me on all the time."

And you couldn't help but smack his face, "Why are you always flirting every damn second? I get it! I love you, you love me, we're a happy family. With a great big hug, and a..."

He leans closer to your face and kisses you. His soft and tender lips always felt nice on yours, you helplessly let him have his treat.

As soon as he snakes up his arms around your waist, you break the kiss and quickly push his face away from you. "We do this all the time, why are you still acting all shy?"

"I'm not, idiot!"

You looked down in embarrassment. This time was just different, it felt too good and things might get out of control- until you noticed something else

"Uhm, Dai? You're hard again,"

"Oh, fuck."

___ ° °

(A/n): Hellooo did you guys miss me? Of course you don'ttt

I bet yall forgot about me already *insert clown emoji* *insert sad emoji* *insert a finger on an ass—*

This is it, the end of PRICE.

Oh my god that was so hard to TYpE i dont want to end this but here i am lmao

Yes, this time it's not prank because it isnt april fools day :)

Anyways, I decided to end it here since I don't know how to continue the story anymore and I think it's already time haha no but srsly

I really enjoyed making this cringy and trashy book together with you all :D I wanted to write smut but I've clearly sinned enough lol.

All your votes, comments, whether taken positively or not- all means so much to me :'D <3

(P.S. I might also write side stories on this book)

Thank you for reading PRICE!

- tokkidino

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄. DAISUKE KAMBEWhere stories live. Discover now