The Man's Diary Entry 24 Hours Earlier
I wanted Mollie Rashford from the moment I saw her. She was, and will always be, the most beautiful woman in the world.
If only her inner beauty matched her outside beauty. She is a murdering bitch, amongst other things. Mollie Rashford has ruined my life! It's only fair that I ruin hers!
If only I could forget her. If I could just forget the feel of her lips under mine. If only I could forget how she cruelly rejected me.
It was always Vettel for her. It makes me sick seeing them together. Thinking of him possessing her. She should be in my bed. Despite the hate I feel for her, I can't help wanting her. I guess I always will want her. You see, for me there has never been anyone else. One night stands, sure. But no one meaningful. No one that made me feel the way she does.
It was so easy to frame Daniel Hunter. I'd attended his office for an interview. He'd left his laptop open when he'd been called away to deal with something else.
I just tapped out a message and minimised it. His boss had asked to borrow it. I knew there was a big chance that it would be found.
I know all the charges will be dropped against him after I've took Mollie, but if she thinks it's him she will let her guard down and I'll be able to get to her easier.
I cannot wait to finally be inside her. I'm hoping she'll put up a fight. I love that feisty, spirited side of her. Damn I'm getting hard just thinking about it. Tomorrow Mollie. Just 24 hours and you'll see me. The man you've always overlooked. The man that has always loved you. You will find out who I am, but I won't go down for this. I have a plan Mollie, a way you and I can be together forever. That's the way it was always meant to be.
The man had been fuming when he'd heard that Seb and Mollie had set a date for their wedding. How could he stand there and watch her promise herself to another man? She was meant to be his. He wanted to scream out and beg her not to marry Seb but he knew she didn't want him. She never had. So he'd had to stand there and watch in silence as they'd pledged themselves to each other. Sickening.
Then he'd had to watch them dance and act all lovey dovey at the reception. He just wanted to whisk her away and make her hurt as much as she was hurting him.
Then at Saudi she'd lucked into another race win. How did she do it? Why did Mollie Rashford get things handed to her?
At Abu Dhabi he'd had to stand and watch their little love scene after the podium. He decided there and then they he was going to make his move at the Christmas party. He'd messed around long enough. Mollie was his and he was going to take her.
The man looked around the room. There were several Christmas trees dotted around and tinsel everywhere. Mollie was late. Some of the other guys had commented saying they bet that Mollie and Seb were so busy fucking that they'd lost track of time.
The man felt his anger building up. Would she smell of Vettel when he took her later? Would she still have his semen inside her?
It was at that moment she arrived. She looked amazing. More than amazing. She'd come so far from that girl he'd met all those years ago when he'd been just a boy.
She outshone every other woman in the room. She
smiled at him as she arrived at the table. He controlled his anger as he shook Seb's hand."Where's Joel?" Mollie asked.
The man felt his anger intensifying. Who gave a fuck
about Joel?"He couldn't make it Mols. He's not well. He has the flu I think." Will said.
"Oh that's a shame."
The man bit his tongue. Joel fucking Barnes. The man that had foiled his plan in Austin. He'd paid the price earlier. After he'd knocked him unconscious he'd took his phone and messaged a few people as Joel, saying he had the flu. That was one less interfering asshole he'd have to deal with tonight. One less protector for Mollie.
He'd watched Mollie all through the evening. His desire for her was growing.
As he watched her dancing with some of the girls he cast his mind back to the first time they'd met.
He sat slumped on the chair as he waited for the others to arrive. He had no idea who they were but it hardly mattered at the end of the day. Whoever they were, he was going to beat them. That was his job. He couldn't kick the nervous feelings though. He was desperate for them to like him. He just wanted friends. He'd never had a real friend before. All his classmates said he was odd. He didn't think he was, he just devoted his life to racing. So what if he didn't like football or rugby or whatever sport was the main craze?The door opened and a darkhaired man walked into the room. He instantly recognised Matthew Thorne. Behind him was a short darkhaired boy who looked about ten! He froze as he saw the other person with them.
It was a girl. A beautiful girl. Her long dark hair was pulled into a high pony tail and her green eyes sparkled. She beamed at him as if he was the only boy in the world. He fell instantly in love.
He ran a hand through his blonde hair, nerves getting the better of him.
"Welcome to Thorne motorsport guys. This is Luca Bonucci," Matthew said, gesturing to the small dark haired boy. 'And this is Mollie Rashford."
Mollie. Her name was Mollie. She was quite simply the most beautiful girl in the world and he decided there and then that one day she would be his girlfriend.
"Luca, Mollie, meet your new teammate. This is Will. Will Barnes."
Will watched as Mollie laughed at something Seb had said. He was so close to the edge. So close to losing control. He knew he had to be patient. His chance would come. Before the evening was out he would be the one possessing her.
She would soon regret overlooking him all these years. Fifteen years! Nearly half of his lifetime.
He'd always been too shy to approach her. They'd developed a close friendship but he'd never had the nerve to tell her how much he liked her. He didn't mind how close she was to Luca because the Italian boy wasn't into girls.
Will was content being her friend at first. There was always time for more when they were older.
Then Seb had come along. It had been so obvious that she'd fancied the handsome world champion. And Will could see that Seb wasn't immune to Mollie's beauty. How could he compete with Seb?
He'd tried to move on with his life but then the accident had happened. Lying in hospital with a broken leg all he'd been able to think about was her. She'd crashed into him! She'd broken his leg, ruined his season. But he forgave her because he loved her. And because she had come off so much worse.
Joel had taken him to see her a few times after she'd woken up but they'd never got any time alone. His anger had been sparked off when he'd heard from Joel that Vettel had been visiting her.
Then she'd just upped and left without so much as a goodbye. The little bitch! Had he really meant so little to her? He thought he was at least a friend, with the potential to be more in the future. Years had passed, and not a word. He thought as time passed that he had gotten over her but the old feelings soon came back when he saw her again.
But still she did not see him. She couldn't see what was right in front of her. All she saw was Vettel.
His attention was snapped back to the present as he saw her stand and cross the dancefloor, briefly stopping to talk to Scott McDevitt. Scott was another one who needed teaching a lesson. He'd dared to try it on with Mollie twice. He'd not realised that Will was watching in the pub car park that day. He'd been so proud of Mollie when she'd kneed the bastard in the balls.
He saw Mollie finish her conversation with Scott and continue towards the toilet.
This was his chance. He stood and headed towards the toilets. He hung about outside and soon Mollie emerged.
"Hey Mols."
"Hey Will, having fun?"
"Yeah. It's good. Can I have a word outside a minute? It's about Luca."
He'd used the first thing that had come into his head. He hoped she wouldn't get suspicious.
"Of course. It's a bit warm in here anyway."
They walked outside and stood near to one of the patio heaters that had been placed outside to keep the smokers warm.
"What's up?"
"I just wondered if you'd spoken to him lately. He seems a bit distant."
"He's fine, I mean we haven't really spoken much but I think he's seeing a new man. You know what it's like in a new relationship."
Actually he didn't because he'd never had one. He'd never found anyone that compared to her.
"Did I tell you I got a new car?"
"Yeah, what you got?"
He smiled at her mischievously. "Come and see. She's a beauty!"
Mollie grinned. "Go on then."
She followed Will across the car park. He came to a halt next to a bright yellow Porsche Cayman 718.
"Shit, she's amazing Will. I'm so tempted to get one. My BMW is getting a bit boring now."
"Jump in. I'll start her up, have a listen."
He unlocked the car and Mollie climbed in. He slid behind the wheel, shutting the door behind him. Then he pressed the central locking. Mollie looked at him and she must have noticed something in his expresssion because her hand reached for the door handle.
"Actually Will, I'd better get back inside. Seb will be wondering where I am."
"I haven't started the car up yet."
"Will, I want to go. Please unlock the door."
He sighed. "You're not going anywhere Mollie. And there's no one to save you this time."
"You!" she said, the colour draining from her face.
"You never even thought it could be me, did you? Nice, friendly, little Will. Well guess what Princess? I'm not nice and friendly. I'm your worst nightmare."
"Let me go." She began beating her fists against the window but no one was around.
Will started the car up. "You're coming with me and I'm going to spend the night showing you what you've missed out on all these years."
"You're a fucking psycho! You're crazy!" He turned in his seat and struck her hard around the face, splitting her lip.
"Shut your face you little whore."
He slammed his foot on the accelerator and the Porsche wheel span out of the car park.