He groaned in annoyance but still applied some foundation on his face to cover the dark bruise on his cheekbone, it wouldn't do to worry everyone all over again.

When he was done, he took his phone and walked out of the apartment, straight to the van that was waiting for everyone outside. Vernon chose his usual seat at the back, leaving the one beside him empty for Seungkwan like he did every morning.

Obviously, this morning was very different from the rest, if the way Seungkwan sat next to Soonyoung didn't make it very clear.

It wasn't a big deal, it shouldn't be a big deal but... well, receiving a reassuring nod and weak smile in lieu of the familiar hug and hair ruffle from Seungkwan was certainly off-putting.

They were okay. It was all going to be fine. Seungkwan wasn't mad, he just needed some space.

"Soonyoung, for the millionth time, yes. I ate breakfast," Seungkwan exclaimed, eyebrows raised in fond exasperation, "can you please stop asking?"

Vernon's ears perked up and immediately all of his attention was directed at the pair sitting at the front.

"You know why I ask, you big baby." Soonyoung rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Seungkwan's shoulder, "if I don't then, who will take care of you?" he asked while fluttering his eyelashes and framing his face with his hands.

Vernon knew what was coming before it happened.

Seungkwan laughed, loud and bright, grin illuminating his face like a Christmas tree. Then he hit Soonyoung in the back of the head and they continued to bicker for the rest of the journey.

"You okay?" Jeonghan whispered to him as they made their way to the practice room.

If circumstances were normal, Vernon would feel mortified about how easy it was to read him but, all of his brain-power was being consumed by the sensation of thorns curling around his clenching heart.

So, Vernon simply nodded, feeling dazed and numb because, wow, Seungkwan hadn't looked that happy in a long time. He appeared so alive and carefree in those moments, resembling a child blowing out the candle on his birthday cake. But, lately only frowns and slumped shoulders had followed Seungkwan around.

Vernon's heart sank at the realization that he was to blame for that.

He thought that maybe it was better this way, the farther Vernon stayed, the less he would hurt Seungkwan. Soonyoung would protect him where Vernon failed to do so. It was just hard to admit.

To put it mildly, the rest of Vernon's day sucked.


Another week, another dose of Soonyoung and Seungkwan being perfect for each other. Or, in other words, Soonkwan (that was how the fans called the pair, Vernon had searched it up) making everybody feel like a third-wheel and breaking Vernon's heart in the process.

"Pass me the salt, would you?" Seungkwan voiced, absorbed on seasoning the meat cooking on the pan.

"Here, let me-" Soonyoung replied while taking the spoon from Seungkwan's hand and occupying his previous spot "there we go. I'll finish this. Go on and set the table."

The three of them were making dinner together. No, wait, Soonkwan were making dinner together.

Vernon was sitting down on the opposite counter after offering to help and being abysmally ignored by the other two.

Perhaps he shouldn't have gone there.

Vernon felt like a trespasser, breaking into the peace of life-time friendship with nothing to offer. He didn't belong in that dynamic, didn't understand it, didn't want to. It always ended in pain when he did.

"Vern, any suggestions on what to drink?" Soonyoung asked, placing some ramen in a big bowl.

Oh, so he wasn't invisible now?

Seungkwan walked back into the kitchen, heading for the fridge and scanning its contents. "There's grape juice."

"Are you sure it isn't wine?" Soonyoung teased, and it dawned on Vernon how quickly the conversation moved on without him.


Every so often, Vernon liked to pretend that Soonyoung wasn't there.

He felt horrible about it yet; he didn't know how else to cope. It was the only thing he could do to keep himself together during schedules.

It was easy to pretend whenever Seungkwan brought him a bottle of water and patted his arm in silent comfort. It wasn't as if Soonyoung was right there too (although, he was).

Somehow, these little moments slowly crept onto the list of his most cherished memories.

Until he opened his eyes and saw Soonyoung carrying Seungkwan's bag, or buying his favorite coffee, or tickling his sides.

Vernon swallowed the metallic and bitter taste, that he had become accustomed to in the past week, after realizing that Seungkwan didn't need him anymore, didn't even need him to begin with.

Seungkwan wasn't going to waste more of his precious time on some kid suffering from unrequited love and dying-

It was what Vernon wanted.

Right. His plan had worked.

But then... why did it feel like he lost?


Apparently, Vernon wasn't the only one that had taken notice of Soonkwan's closeness. It wasn't new, they had been good friends since pre-debut and all of the members were used to their antics.

What made it so different on this occasion was the fact that even in the public eye they were attached at the hip.

"You two seem to get along pretty well. Since when have you known each other?" One host had asked the pair in one of the thousand interviews the group had to attend. From then on, things blew up.

Vernon wasn't stupid. He was very familiar with the way in which fans seemed to absorb and analyze their interactions. It was great that they cared about the comfort and closeness of the members but, sometimes, it got a bit too much.

Seventeen was his family. It had been ever since Vernon stepped foot into the Pledis building. There was no need to question their inner jokes or boundaries.

Naturally, the company caught wind of how much the fans wanted Seungkwan and Soonyoung together. Being part of the entertainment industry only meant that they would deliver.

V-lives, variety shows, paired interviews, YouTube videos, in the span of a month Soonkwan had done it all. The magnificent 'Tom and Jerry' duo was back with a vengeance and nothing, no one, could stop them.

"Honestly, though, I never thought the fans would love us that much," Seungkwan said during one of their team dinners.

Vernon nodded, reaching over the table for some radish that he wasn't planning to eat. Was it really that surprising that everyone loved Seungkwan and Soonyoung? They were both sweet, funny, handsome... The epitome of powerful.

This made Vernon feel worse.

"It's quite funny though, have you seen the memes?" Jeonghan blurted out and everyone laughed.

Vernon felt Jeonghan pat his knee in what he thought was reassurance and, for once, he wished the other would just ignore him again.

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