"The guy that was helping me said he'd deliver five dresses." I tell her and she relaxes, turning to her eggs again.

"Thank god." She says, relieved.

"Camrey, why are you cooking?" I ask her as I jump up into the bench opposite her and Nic, "Nic should be doing the cooking. He needs to treat you like a queen, nothing less." I tell her and she laughs.

"I'm serious." I tell her as I turn to Nic, "You can't have her do everything for you. You need to help her."

"I would love the help," Camrey says, "But the last time he helped me cook, the stove caught fire."

Nic's face goes red and I hear Haevyn laugh beside me, her and Ryda sitting on one long chair that wasn't there the last time I was in here.

I sigh, the last time I was in here.

With Archyn.

"Mikaaaaiaaa!" I hear Nic shouting at me, his hand waving in front of my face.

I grab onto it and twist it and he cries out in pain. "Kaia what the fuck was that for!" He shouts.

Cayden, who I didn't even notice walk in, slaps Nic on the ass with a wooden spoon, "Nicolas, you cant say that." He says in a horrible attempt of a British accent.

"Especially not in front of the children!" Ezra says in a British accent, though not as bad as Cayden's, as he walks into the kitchen, closely followed by Ti.

Ezra opens his mouth to say something but Camrey cuts him off, "I'm not making you food Ezra."


"No." She says sternly, her back staying turned to him, "I'm sure Ti will make you some."

Ezra looks at Ti expectantly but Ti just looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Poor guy. He'll have to learn to cook once Ezra turns 21 and they find out they're mates. If they are of course.

"I can make you breakfast if you want Ezra." I say as I jump off the bench and walk to the fridge.

"Oh no you don't." Nic says as he grabs my arm, "Last time you cooked, you set the kitchen on fire, and we know what consequences you had to face because of it." He gives me a pointed look but I shake off his grip.

"We're not there anymore Nic, fuck off." I tell him as I walk out of the room.

He doesn't need to bring those times up. We're free now. Well king of. But still.

I walk through the halls, going a way I haven't been yet. I can use this as time to find my way around.

After a while of walking, I see a set of stairs to my left, similar to the ones that I walked down when Archyn dropped me, but not the same ones.

I turn and start walking up the stairs.

It takes me about ten minutes ti make it up the stupid stairs, though I may be exaggerating. Though I also think I passed out half way, so it could have been much, much longer.

I sigh as I reach the top and walk to the edge of the large concrete circle. My toes hang off the tip and I look at the view in front of me.

It's beautiful. Everything about this land is beautiful. It's certainly not what I expected when I arrived with the stories I heard from the other children whilst growing up. Though I couldn't be happier.

The knowledge that not all Dark Fae are bad gives me so much hope. My dad wasn't bad, and this whole place just proves that not all Dark Fae are bad.

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