Chapter One Hundred Thirty

Start from the beginning

I didn't say anything and just made my way over to him. It was my first time seeing Ba Wei have an actual open would and I can't say I was happy about it. I had sewed his wound shut before I dozed off but the way it was bleeding now told me that he probably moved to fast and tore it open again. I mentally cursed myself and quickly went grabbed the first aid kit. As I did all of these things Ba Wei just watched me very seriously. It was almost as if he was observing me.

"I need you to remove your shirt and that hand otherwise you're gonna be in pain all night and day."

He didn't say anything but still followed my directions and pulled off his shirt. My heart ached a bit as his scar covered body came into view. It wasn't the old scars that saddened me it was the numerous fresh ones that cause this reaction in me. How the hell was he even getting these scars?

I knew I wouldn't ever get an answer to that question so I just focused on trying to make him feel better. I slowly pulled off the bandage and Ba Wei made a sharp inhale.

"Sorry," I said apologetically.

I threw the bloody bandage in the garbage and quickly opened the first aid kit and got to work. He had torn the small stitch job that I had done. I would most definitely have to redo them now. I took my time in cleaning the cut because every time I heard his breathe halt from pain I would stop moving. I didn't want him to be in any more pain than he already was.

"Look, I'm going to sew it closed again," I looked up at him to see him staring at me. "Tell me if it hurts okay."

As I pushed the needle through his skin I was expecting him to at least flinch but he didn't. He just stood there unbothered with every push of the needle through his skin. It was quite helpful that he had no reaction because I got it done quickly.

"Are you okay," I said as I got to my feet.

"Yeah," his voice was hoarse.

I let out a relieved sigh and looked him over. I reached out and touched the now bandaged wound.

"You know you scared the hell out of me," I said looking up at him.

"Sorry. I didn't think I would pass out. I'm usually better with blood loss."

I was at a loss for words because what did he mean. Does he mean that he usually loses large amounts of blood regularly? If that is what he means Im even more at at a loss. How many fights does he get into that end in open wounds.

"How," I cleared my throat. "How did you get this wound?" He stood up straight and grabbed his shirt without saying anything. "Did you hear me."

"I heard you," he said sighing. "I just don't want to worry you."

"You fainted in my house, how more worrisome can this information be?"


"Please," I said cutting him off. "I don't want to have to worry that this will repeat itself."

He pulled on his shirt, "it will that's why it's useless for me to tell you how I got this wound."

He pushed his way around me and walked out of the bathroom. I didn't know what emotions were going through my body but all I knew that the sting that I felt on my heart left me feeling numb. I ran a hand through my hair and walked out the bathroom. I walked back into the living room to see Ba Wei sipping on a bottle of water at the island in the kitchen. I mentally sighed and walked over and took a seat across from him.

"Ba Wei," I said softly. He didn't say anything and just looked over at me. As I stared into his eyes it felt like something had a hold of my tongue. I wanted so bad to complain about how he never tells me anything but wants me to tell him everything about me. I just couldn't get it out. In the end I didn't even know what to say so I just stayed quiet.

"Ji Nan, look I'm not telling you because it wouldn't make a difference."

"I don't care. I want to know."

"Know what exactly? How I got the scars on my body or the new wound? I know if I answer one I'll have to answer the other," He said slightly raising his voice.

I stared at him in silence before just sighing. If he wasn't going to tell me I won't ask anymore. All I want to do is know why his body is covered like it is, but I guess I'm not important enough for him to care. I got up from the island and started walking to my room. I pulled off my shirt and threw it on the ground. I was about to walk over to the bed when arms wrapped around me.

"Let go."

"Ji Nan..."

"Let go.." He let out a sigh but didn't let go instead he tightened his arms around me. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.

"Look, I didn't mean to make you mad. I just...don't want to burden you with this."

"Nothing about you could burden me," I turned around in his arms, "I'll listen so please tell me." He stared into my eyes for a few seconds before he slowly nodded.

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