Pt. 76: The Boys Club

Start from the beginning

"Forgot what?"

"When I stopped by earlier, I told her that the princess invited us all to a dance club tonight!" Thor said excitedly. "Disco, I believe. Whatever that is."

"A dance club?" Loki reiterated. "And what did she say?"

Thor leaned in. "She was very eager. And earlier, I overheard Natasha talking with that magical Maximoff girl about going shopping, so I bet they're all out now with the rest of the ladies."

Loki was a little slack-jawed. "Uh-huh."

"So," Thor leaned back, "how interesting is that book of yours, again?"

"Not that interesting." Loki crossed his arms. "Honestly, it looked a bit time-consuming."

"Great," Thor grinned, "because I already invited the two of us for our own shopping trip."

"'The two of us'?" Loki echoed. "How many more are there?"

Thor glanced over his shoulder and spotted their waiter coming towards them. "You'll see."


After their check was settled, the two princes sauntered out of the restaurant and down the street, presumably to where the rest of the group would meet them. Thor and Loki take turns waving to passersby and taking pictures with anyone who wants them. Thor was a little more used to the attention than Loki, but it didn't go unappreciated.

Once they stopped at a crosswalk, Loki took out his phone to send Luna a quick message.

"Thor just mentioned this disco thing to me. Are you going?"

As he lowered his hand back to his pocket, his phone buzzed with a new text. Surprised and eager to read it, he opened his phone again.

"Depends. Are you game?"

Loki smirked as he crossed the road with Thor by his side. Luna was obviously playing around with him. She would never turn down an outing like that. Once he was safely across, he replied.

"To dance with you? Always."

He tucked his phone in his pocket after hitting 'send,' hoping it brought a smile to her face. Yes, it was true that he would never pass up an opportunity to take her hand and would even go so far as to create one, but he wanted to flatter her.

"You asking her?" Thor chimed. Loki glanced over with a happy gleam in his eye.

"Just making sure."

Thor nodded. "Good."

Loki's pocket buzzed again, and he whipped his phone out again to check his new text.

"I got a couple of surprises too."

Loki quirked a brow and slowed his pace.


"Yup. New outfit, and about to get a haircut."

Loki bit his lip to stifle his grin.

"Well, would you look at that? I suddenly have more incentive."

He wondered if his little jest amused Luna.

Thor led Loki around another corner and down another avenue until he came upon a crosswalk. There, as he waited for his turn to cross, he spotted Tony Stark's familiar silhouette on the other side, accompanied by the rest of their friends and acquaintances. A head turned towards Thor, and they waved, prompting Thor to do the same.

Once they could cross, Thor went ahead of Loki, jogging across the empty street with his eyes glued to one friend in particular.

"Ah, there he is!" Bruce called to Thor.

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