Chapter 2:Run Away

Start from the beginning

Inko POV

I see Izuku run into his room I payed no attention and went to fetch our family album I start looking through it but don't find Izuku in any of them except for one the day of the quirk doctor I then fell down on my knees crying I then went to go and apologize to Izuku I then open his door only to see a mattress a trahcan with bloody bandages and medicine,one of his journals and his window wide open I then see him running away i was heartbroken knowing my son had left us I then hear the door open I go down and see Toshi and Izumi with gloomy looks they see me and asked what happened why are you crying ithen told them about the neglect and how she saw Izuku run away
End of POV

Inko:" I'm a horrible mother I forgot about him"
Am:" Don't worry we'll find him but for now let's call the Todoroki's,Bakugou's,Gran Torino, Ururaka's,Aizawa,Tsukachki and Nezu

Timeskip They arrived at the Yagis

'Btw this is good endeavour so touya is here also and he was like a brother to Izuku'

 They had then asked what happened they then explained what had happened they were furious but before they could lash out Izumi spoke up and said

Izumi:"It's not only their fault Izuku,me and the bakugou twins, Shoto and ururaka bullied izuku with our quirks ever since he was diagnosed quirkless"

This caused the parents to look at their children
Parents:"That's not true right you didn't do that right" their question was answered when they all looked down besides Shoka as she did nothing and had helped him

Tsukachki then proceeded to his room for any belongings only to find a note,a notebook and a tape recorder

Tsukachki:"Well This is all I found in his  room which do you you want see first Nezu"
Nezu:" Read the note outloud for us first please then play the recording after I want to look at his notebook after"
Tsukachki:"Alright he says"

Dear assholes and aunts and uncles

I just have a few things to say fuck you AssMight and HoeMaki and especially to you pops you not only are a hypocrite and a dream crusher but you are the worst dad maybe to that bitch of a sister you were a good one but to me you left me like trash when use to be in my shoes  I seriously hope grandpa beats you when he finds out and to all you betrayers I'll see you at UA don't expect to forgive you especially you Izumi, you were the worst as you were my twin and my sister the person I thought I could rely on also I'm thinking of you guys advice maybe I should take swan dive off the roof but I won't as what's the point I don't feel sadness anymore nor depression all I feel is boiling hot rage so start praying to God cause I'm going dish out some serious karma

With Hate

P.S:I'm sorry for leaving aunts and uncles but I'll see you after my training

End of note

Everyone was crying as they had just heard what the boy felt as the girls were crying, the fathers and uncles were scolding Allmight, bakugou twins and Shoto while they thanked Shoka for not harming Izuku

They then played the recording Izuku started talking

"Today we went to the quirk doctor I was diagnosed quirkless while Zumi got a strong telekinesis quirk called phychokinesis which is so cool but mom and dad seem to have forgotten about me it will probably change tomorrow though right"

Cut off next recording July 15th 10 years later

"That day I hoped they'd change and remember me was 10 years ago they forgot about me completely only worrying about Izumi, I stopped being sad because my parents forgot me because I had my dream to keep up just like Allmight anyone can be a hero.
Life was shit not only cause I was neglected but my friends and sister betrayed my trust except for Shoka and Momo they stayed by me even though I was quirkless even though I was beat half to death everyday as long as I accomplish my dream I'll be fine though I do miss my other friends who transferred to other schools they were good they protected me from them but then they left and the bullying became worse as they were gone only Shoka and Momo stayed but they couldn't always protect me so let's see how the next month's playout"

Cut off recording next recording today

"Wow I can't believe I was a fool not only did my idol crush my dreams but he also was my father I don't feel sadness
All I
Pure RAGE!!

I guess the sayings true then never meet your hero's"

"If you've been listening to this you probably read the note already I assume you understand the situation but I have a request let my torturers go to UA and let my AssMight and HoeMaki teach there cause I want to beat there asses when I get there prepare I'm coming back with a vengeance"

The recording then goes static, they then proceed to give punishments to the torturers and the shit for brain parents resulting in the children going to therapy and will be on a tight leesh at UA while AssMight and HoeMaki salary will be decreased to 5% Nezu then looks at his hero analysis journal they look at Nezu who has a shocked and scared expression

Am:"W-what's wrong sir"
Nezu:"You are lucky he still wants to be a hero and not a villain cause the hero society would have been in chaos in mere day's
The whole house was shocked to hear this, Nezu then wishes them luck in the search for Izuku he then leaves with the rest also , leaving the Yagis by themselves

With Izuku

Izuku was walking around when a man approached him he then asked why is he outside so late and whats his name
Izuku answered saying why he's outside and he's name is Izuku just Izuku he then asked
Izuku:" Who are you "

Sung:"The names Sung Jin Woo I'm from Korea nice to meet you Izuku wanna come with me and my family"

The end for Chapter 2

Here's a meme for today I'll start writing the next chapter Tommorow

Here's a meme for today I'll start writing the next chapter Tommorow

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Bye guys

Bye guys

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Neglected Deku:The Shadow MonarchWhere stories live. Discover now