The Girl with Chalk (Zayn note)

Start from the beginning

“How’d you find me?”

“Did you forget that my girlfriend does own this place?” I don’t bother answering him and Niall sneaks a glance towards Layla who is now refilling the espresso machine just as another couple walks in, “Is your sudden interest in Eliza’s business due to a heightened love for coffee or the mousy red-head serving it to you?”

I send him a vicious glare even though he hit the nail right on the head. The blonde raises his hands up in defense before snickering slightly.

“Hey, I don’t blame you! I would just like to remind you of a certain loving girlfriend of yours that keeps calling the apartment because you’ve been ignoring her?”

My shoulders visibly deflate at the reminder. Fuck, how bad is it that Jaime hasn’t crossed my mind once in the last few days? What kind of boyfriend am I that I’ve been obsessing over some neighbor of mine instead of spending time with my girl?

My teeth attack my lip violently as I berate myself for being such an asshole. My mum raised me right and I know better than to treat girls like this, so what has come over me all of a sudden?

Just as Niall slides my Americano over to his side my eyes wander through the shop and I find my answer.

There is the red-head in question kneeling down next to a crying toddler. Instead of the usual apprehension and slight fear that clouds her eyes when gazing at a normal person, they are now light and filled with amusement as she hands the small girl a muffin.

A faint smile crosses my lips as I watch her interact with the child easily and I know that the curiosity I hold for Layla is to blame for my absence in my romantic life.


Jaime continues to ramble on about how amazing our date was last night as I make my way into the café I’ve been frequenting all week. I strain myself to pay attention as she praises me for the flowers I gave her and the picnic I set up.

Guilt twists in my stomach as the real reason I set up the last-minute date turned around to face me as I walked up to the counter.

After Niall’s confrontation yesterday I had called Jaime right away and asked her out. She sounded ecstatic and didn’t even question my absence which only made me feel worse. Hopefully by buying her her favorite flowers, her favorite foods, and then pleasing her all night made up for the shitty way I’ve been acting.

But, when I hang up the phone to give Layla my order and am leveled with her steady gaze I can feel the guilt come crawling back.

“The usual?”

The fact that I know have a ‘usual’ should worry me more than it does, but I just shrug it off and give her a nod in affirmation. Just as I am handing her a few pounds Eliza slips out from the back door, only to freeze when she catches sight of me standing at the counter.

Her eyebrows wiggle suggestively towards Layla’s back and I do my best to glare at my best friend’s girl, but fail miserably. Layla must have noticed my averted gaze because she whips around immediately and almost jumps out of her skin at the sight of Eliza behind her, her hands up in a very inappropriate gesture.

Her jade gaze darts between the two of us before sliding me my change and turning to face Eliza, “I’m going to go on my lunch now. Can you make him his Americano?”

Eliza grants her permission and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from suggesting to go with her on her break like a clingy moron.

I sit at my table and despite being there for over an hour, Layla does not make a reappearance. Disappointment pangs in my chest and on a whim I take a piece of pink chalk from the cup holder on the table and turn towards the chalkboard.

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