"Oh, no I am not looking for a wife or a relationship right now," Lao said.

"That is fine! I was wondering about the book you were reading. I really like reading things," she said. "May I read with you?"

"Sure." He gave one half of the book for the bunyip to hold, holding the other half while they read in silence. It felt nice and quiet, but eventually, his butt started to feel numb from sitting or too long. "Already?" the bunyip said, looking disappointed as he started to get up. "Yep, nothing is stopping me today."

"Booohooo. May I keep reading the book then?" Lao shrugged and gave her the book, sure that it had its fair bit of underwater protection embedded within the pages. "Thank you, um..."


"Issia. Nice to meet you Lao."

"Nice to meet you too Issia. Will I see you later?"

"Only if you come back for some more book time," she jested, sticking her tongue out as she sank back into the water. Lao went away laughing, feeling much better from the conversation already. I guess you can say that death or not, progress is Nonstop. Yes, I made that pun. Deal with it, I'm the fucking narrator!

"Lao you are getting a class!" Marilyn said to him. She came out of literally nowhere, causing him to jump back a door opened in front of him. "What the fuck!?"

"Hey, don't start swearing now! We could lose the class."

"What class!? How long were you there?"

"That isn't important, now come on!" She took him right outside of the town, where a group of orderite adolescents waited with guards. "Their chief god has given them her blessing, so now you are responsible for them."

"I-I don't know the first thing about teaching..."

"Doesn't matter! Teach the kids how to be order-ish like you. I will be um..." she picks a random adolescent, draping her tail over his shoulder. "...be handling the 1 on 1 lessons.~"

Of course, the next three classes Lao taught were total disasters. However, it wasn't because of his lack of experience. He already had his tolerance up from dealing with his sister. He also turned out to be a quick learner. Not perfect, but he was able to at least figure out how to coordinate the class for 5 minutes at a time. No, the problem was in his commander.

The first class ended in this fashion; Marilyn came back without the kid, asking Lao if he needed to take a momentary bathroom break. He did actually need to relieve himself and nodded, leaving the class with the Commander. 10 minutes later, after a peaceful pee that turned into a long and arborous war with his bowels, he came back to them literally disappearing. His commander stating that they were caught by demonic forces. 'Nothing she could do', she says.

The next unfortunate class was closely watched over, but eventually, the class had to end. Lao released them, coming back the next day to a completely new set of students. Again, those darn 'demonic forces' caught them. Marilyn had no other comment, but Lao wasn't as dumb enough to be fooled thrice.

He didn't need to. The kitsune was a commander for a reason, which he saw on full display as she cherry-picked them one by one right before his eyes. New excuses were used each time, and just like that, more students would be gone from the class. Lao's anger had built up to a point where his white aura was on display, but even subconsciously tapping into spirit energy reserves at full strength can't keep a group of twenty safe forever. This time, the obvious lie was that darn Sabbath that just happened to be nearby. He has been here long enough to know to ask which one is stationed near, but there was no answer. At this rate, he couldn't manage a class of 20.

A Casual Collection: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now