Chapter 3- Gluttony. I am sorry

Start from the beginning

"It's a boy!" A doctors declaration.

Rouge was bleeding, she knew, she held the small infant who was born early into the world close to her chest.

She vaguely saw the mark that had appeared onto the tiny babes body. A leopard? How peculiar.

"What do you wish to name him?"
A nurse asked the dying mother.

"Luffy... Monkey D Luffy...." She replied softly. Slowly.



She heard the voices of her two other precious people.

Dragon and his step son Ace saw Rouge. She held something so small and so tiny in her hands, close to her chest. They barely registered that it was a baby. All they saw was their wife/mother, dying. All because of that.....


"P-please.... Don't... hate him.... he needs.. love to live... it's not his fault..." Rouge manages to say. But her plead fell on deaf ears too blind to the hate towards the infant lying on her chest. "I love you both..." As those final words were spoken, her heart beat ceased.

"MAMA!!!" Ace cried, Dragon holding on to the boy. It won't do him any good if he let the boy go and try to awaken Rouge. He knows she won't wake up.

Ace's rage grew. He shouted at the tiny infant. "I hate you! You shouldn't have been born! YOU KILLED HER!!" His words kept going and Dragon agreed with the boy.

A nurse then came into the room. "Will you be taking him home?" She asked tentatively, but she knew the answer. She could hear it from down the hallway.

"No. I refuse to take such a demon as my son. If I see that thing come near me at any time on its pathetic life.... I'll kill it." Dragon said harshly. "Ace, I must leave. I have to go work as my duty as leader of the revolutionaries."

Ace nodded but glare in utter hatred and disgust at the infant known as Luffy.

The two left the small hospital to their separate ways. Dragon to the revolutionaries, Ace to the Jungle where he trained, was raised by a bandit named Dadan and later met a boy named Sabo.

Meanwhile, Garp found out about Luffy and took him and raised him carefully since he was born prematurely.

As the years passed, Luffy was known as the Demon Child all through out the village. A woman who owns a bar named Makino helped Garp in raising Luffy, she was a kind, sweet woman and was always able to smile.

Sadly, when Luffy was able to crawl around, villagers had found ways to harm the small child while making it look as if he did it on his own or it was an accident.

Luffy always knew why he was hated.
He killed his mother. No... He doesn't deserve to call her mother... she'll just go by 'Her'....

At six Luffy had met a red haired pirate names Shanks. Shanks was a really kind man for a pirate.

"Hey Anchor!" Called the red haired man. "What are you doing all alone over there? Come on we're all going to see Makino for food and booze!"

Luffy looked to the man he later thought to be a father-figure. The small boy ran over to the pirate and his crew, noticing the sneers and glares he was given by villagers that had seen him. He tried to move as fast as he could without having others notice his limp, he was beaten by some villagers earlier and so he just had to hide it from Shanks and his crew. He ate the Gomu Gomu no mi recently so he was still trying to gain control of being rubber.

Shanks smiled until he saw something about the boy he saw as a son.
Was that... Blood? It seems that his crew also noticed the blood of the boy. Also how he limped and was swaying slightly with each step.

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