Train Ride. Train Wreck.

Start from the beginning

"This is as far as we can go, Potter!" Stan calls.
"Tis fine. I can walk. Its only about 1 mile walk." I say.

After stepping off the bus it began to rain. I sigh as I start the 30 minute walk to the Weasley's.

Once I step up onto their door, Ginny answers. George and Fred behind her.

"Harry?" Ginny asks.

"Hey Gin. Can I stay here for a while?" I ask.

"We have to ask mum, but come out of the rain!" She said, moving so I could come in.
"Harry?" Ron calls.
"Hey!" Harry shouts.

"Ron! Qui- Oh Harry!" Molly yells.
"Mrs. Weasley!" I say. I drop my things at my feet and give her a big hug.

I always loved Molly's hugs. Her comfort. She was like a mother to me. She always smelt like cookies and ginger snaps.

"What is it? Why have you come? Not that I mind, dear, its always a pleasure to have you!" She said.

"You know how my aunt and uncle are, Mrs. Weasley." I say, awkwardly.
"Yes, my dear, and its Molly." She said sweetly.
I smiled softly.

"Its just for tonight, though." I inform.
"Oh are you sure, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"Yes ma'am. I'm going to Sirius' house." I say.

"Oh. Yes. Grimmauld." Mrs. Weasley says, sadly. I nod.
"Well, in that case, you know where your bed is dear. Would you like to stay up with Ron? He was going to play cards with George, Fred and Ginny." Mrs. Weasley offers me.

"Oh! No, thank you! I think I'm just going to go to bed. I'm quite tired." I said.
"Alright, dear."

I walk up the stairs to Ron's room. They had a mattress on the floor with a a pile of blankets on top. They made it for me. Just for me.

I sit on the bed and pull the covers to my face. They smell like heaven. They smell like home.
I go to there little bathroom and draw a bath for myself. I turn the water off and began to strip.

"Harry?" I hear from the other side of the door. I checked to see if the door was locked, and it was.
"Yes?" I call.

"I-I just wanted to know what was wrong with you. You came in with dark circles under your eyes."

It was Ginny. The girl who didn't understand, even though you meant it positively, that her word choice hurt. They dug at my brain.

'Whats wrong with you?'

"Im fine, Ginny. Thank you for checking on me." I said. I heard her footsteps walk away after a few minutes.

I slide into the bath and draw the curtain so it was darker. The bath was big enough that I could submerge myself in the water, and thats what I did.

I thought about drowning, how easily the water could run down my lungs and pervade them. Then I sat up and gasped for air.
I jumped out of the bath before I did something stupid.

I ran into Ron's room throwing some extra clothes I brought. The rain was still pelting against the window.

I lay down, snuggling into the mattress and blankets. I felt my heavy eyelids pressure closed, a peaceful feeling running through my body. I felt like I had passed out. It soon felt as if my body was vibrating.

"Harry! Harry, mate, breakfast! Mum's making pancakes." Ron said.
Morning already?
Time sure does fly when you're having a good sleep.

"Morning, Weasley's!" I heard Arthur yell from downstairs.
"Morning!" Fred and George yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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