Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Why weren't you at breakfast?" He huffed as he crossed his arms. 

"I wasn't hungry my prince." I said turning to my mirror as my patted my trousers down. I could hear Amira scoffing in my mind, Why does he even care?

"You haven't been for breakfast with my family since we had our dinner. Why?" He asked. I could hear him trying to command me to answer him but fortunately whether he wanted to admit it or not we were mates and I could ignore him. "Do you think you are better than us Leyla?" He asked angrily. 

"No I didn't Prince Ryan, your family has been nothing but hospitable" I wouldn't say they were welcoming or pleasant to be around because that would be lie. "I simply haven't been hungry. I am used to less formal meal arrangements and have enjoyed cooking in the kitchen when I have needed something to eat." I snapped. 

"What have you done to me Leyla?" he screamed. I knew no one would hear him because the door was closed and all the bedrooms were sound-proof. Wolves were rather loud when being intimate so."You have made me crazy, your scent is alluring and I can't stop thinking about you? I have a mate! You are trying to destroy that!" He stated angrily as he paced my bedroom floor. 

"Ryan, please stop." I exasperated. "I haven't done anything specific to, this is just what mates do each other. If your Elisha was your mate you wouldn't be thinking about me like this." I said my arms were flailing about.

"You are not my mate! How many times do I have to tell you that!? You are just infatuated with me like every other pack climbing whore!" He shouted. 

I could hear Amira shouting and screaming to let her take control but I couldn't this was my fight. Her mate had accepted her and she had already said her peace to Ryan. Now, it is my place to put the spoilt and arrogant prince in his place. So I laughed. 

"Pack climbing whore? Wow. Honestly I don't understand you one bit Ryan, you knew me once upon a time and you were my best friend. I had always been there for you, I have never mistreated or insulted you. When you bullied me in school, for reasons that are beyond my comprehension, I never said anything. Your dad, was like a father to me and I could have easily said something to him about your treatment of me, but I didn't. 

"Don't you mention my dad, you bitc-" He started to speak. 

"Shut up and do not call me a bitch. I am not a bitch and I am certainly not some pack whore. Whatever you believe or whatever has been said for you think such a thing, I suggest to get that out of your mind because it is a lie. I will not have my dignity and self-respect lowered for a man who does not want to face facts. I do not want to be in the presence of man who is meant to lead a nation who does not even abide by his own law and ignores what the moon goddess has blessed him with" I replied. I didn't scream at him for I knew it was pointless and wouldn't solve anything. 

"Honestly Ryan, I don't know what happened to you, but you need to grow up and be better. You are going to be King for fucks sake. Stop throwing your toys out of the pram. While you have been plotting and blaming me for you indecent thoughts, I have been in your hospital looking after the sick, I have been working with the omegas helping them prepare for your 'mate' Elisha" I retorted, I could feel the disgust and sarcasm in my tone as I said the word mate. 

"So why don't you stop blaming me for your poor decisions and get your facts checked. For I know my self worth and I know I deserve better than a man trying to lie to himself about what fate wants for himself. So leave my chambers and go get ready for your mate before I call a guard." He scoffed at my threat. "Or your mother." I stated.

His face blanched when I mentioned his mother, I knew she would have questions for him about why he was in my room. Questions that I know he did not want to answer. As much as I started to hate the Queen, she was my trump card. He looked at me, his eyes were dark and for a moment, I could almost see the boy I was once friends with. He looked at me with pain in his face which transformed into confusion. But, like the coward he was he didn't say anything but turn the other way, exiting the room and slamming the door as loud as he could. 

I slumped my shoulders and ignored the pain in my chest. Leyla, I am so proud of you. I thought you needed me, but you didn't. You put him in his place. You did the right thing. Amira said with a smile on her face. 

Thank you Amira. As much I love him because he's a mate. I am past the point of caring. I feel different today, I feel stronger. I don't know if it was because of the Moon Goddess or whether it is because Nona is coming home today, but I do know that we have more important things to worry about. The Goddess warned of an evil rising and we need to stop it fast. I said with determination in my voice. Amira nodded her head in agreement, when another knock came to my door. 

"Come in" I said. 

A small omega with brown hair entered my room. She was dressed in her uniform which was dirty from all the cleaning that she must have been doing. 

"Good Morning. Your presence has been requested by the Royal Family. They are waiting at the front for the arrival of the King, his party and his guests." She said timidly as she bowed her head. 

"I will leave now." I replied as I followed her out my room. By shoulders were back and my head was held high. 

I made my way through the hallways and outside the pack house where the high ranking officials were lined up. The Queen and Ryan were stood in front talking amongst themselves. The Beta and Gamma were stood in line behind them as they looked into the distance staring at two wolves running towards the Royal Quarters. 

One wolf was a silver colour, you could feel his power radiate throughout the back. He took long strides as he approached. The wolf next to him, was one that I would remember for the rest of my life. The wolf was smaller in size but was a chestnut colour. Her eyes were focused on her destination and I could see her searching in the crowd for her desire. As they got closer, their speed started to slow as they came to a halt, both stood behind different trees as the sounds of bones breaking could be heard. 

Everything was silent until they both made their way out of the trees'. The King stood tall and Strong, his brown hair was styled and slicked back and he wore a fresh blue shirt with blue trousers. He made his way to his family and the Queen embraced him with loving arms. Ryan stood to the side and nodded at him slightly and the King grasped the top of his arm and smacked it gently. 

Nona. Nona brushed her way out of the brushes, she looked around until her gaze fell on me. For the first time, Nona didn't care about formalities, she ignored the Royal family and ran in my direction. She was fingertips away when she crashed me into her arms and held me tightly. Her hug felt like she was going to suck the life out of me, it was like I was going to disappear from her sight. 

It was then that I started to worry as I could feel her fear through the bond. The distance had allowed us both to hide things from each other, she pulled back her hands grasped on the stops of my arms as she looked me up and down, checking that I was still in the same condition as she left. I could see that she observed changes when she pursed her lips. She could sense there was something different but she knew I wouldn't speak when their was an audience, so she simply ignored her burning questions when she said "I missed you little one."

"I missed you too Nona. I love you." I said with a small tear escaping my eye. 

You have a lot to tell me little one. She said through our mind-link. 

I know. Not here though. I replied. She responded with a nod. 

Suddenly we were pulled from our silent interaction when a black limousine pulled up. There was not a single peck of dirt on the limousine, it shined in the light that you could clearly see the reflection of the pack house and the members standing outside. 

A guard walked up to the limousine and opened the door when two long legs stepped out onto the concrete in front of the pack house house. I didn't even have to see the face of the legs to know who she was. I knew that this woman was only going to cause me hell. 

Lady Elisha had arrived. 

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