Chapter 13: The (Victory and Peace) Sleeps Tonight

Start from the beginning

It was a man; his hands and his feet were tied up in the pillars. Then she heard something moving in the wardrobe.

She opened it and saw Harriet; She look into Sarah’s eyes and Sarah saw this intense fear, the woman was shivering as she hugged Sarah.

“What happened?” Sarah asked as she pulled back, and tries to calm Harriet down.

“Blo..nde wo…man and Zac..ha…ry killed him” Harriet said with a shaky and cracking voice.

“Did you know where they go?”

“No, th..ey.. collapse… after.. they kill him… man put som..ething”

Sarah and Harriet went near to the body as Sarah put her hands to the man’s opened gut

Harriet quickly made her way to the bathroom as Sarah was feeling whether there’s something inside the man. She felt something; like a bottle. She quickly took it out; it was indeed a bottle of wine with something like a note inside.

She smashed the bottle on the bedside table; and read the note that was inside.

The abandoned warehouse by the woods at 6”

Sarah went to the bathroom where Harriet was.

“We’ve got to go” Sarah said to the blonde woman who’s sitting on the floor facing the toilet, vomiting.

Sarah washed her hands, as she offered them to Harriet as she finished vomiting.

“Let’s go.” Sarah said as Harriet took her hand and went with her to Lily’s car.

Sarah looked at the time and saw it’s already 4:45pm. She quickly drives towards the warehouse that he might be referring. Harriet remained silent during the travel; but she was eager to ask who Sarah really is; and why is this happening

She parked the car on the roadside and unfastened her seatbelt.

“Who are you?” the short haired blonde asked, as Sarah was readying everything.

“I am the angel of death.” Sarah whispered with a smile on her face

“Don’t go inside and Lock the doors. Hide in the back seat if you saw something peculiar understand?”

Harriet nods


Sarah entered the warehouse she observed the room to where she was standing and saw that the windows were all covered with black cloth; everything was dark

She walks towards the middle of the warehouse and saw the two most precious gem in her life; Zachary and Lily. Both in a steel table wrapped in layers of Saran wrap like what she does with the people she killed. She went closer to it, they were unconscious, and beside each table was a metal bedside table; where there were set of knives, surgical tools and two miniature bottles.

Then she heard a sound… she looked at the wall and saw a video playing. It was from a projector.

Sarah watched it she was trembling; her mind was all over the place.

Seeing Sarah dumbfounded and broken excites Chandler. He showed himself to Sarah. Sarah pointed her gun to Siegfried but her hands were shaky due to what she just saw.

Siegfried flashed a devilish smile at Sarah as he walks closer to her.


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