Genma turns to address everyone. "Listen everyone! One of the competitors from the next battle has not arrived yet. So, we're going to postpone this match briefly and simply jump ahead to the battle that would've followed this one." I was both stunned and relieved; it just means Shino and Kankuro are up next.

I say, "That's good!"

Shikamaru says in realisation, "Hey! That means my battle is one match closer now! What a drag!"

Genma calls, "Then onto the next battle! So, Shino and Kankuro! Come down!"

Shino places a hand on the rail as Kankuro exchanges looks with Temari. He looks back at the Proctor as he calls, "Proctor! I withdraw!" This confuses all of us. "I withdraw, so please! Advance to the next match!"

The crowd shouts unhappily as I gaze at the brunette in confusion. Why would he suddenly withdraw? That just doesn't make any sense!

Genma lets out a sigh as he closes his eyes briefly. He states, "Due to Kankuro's withdrawal, Shino Aburame wins by default." This causes the crowd to boo again.



"We came here to see a real match! We don't wanna see this!"


Temari scoffs as she reaches back for the shiny, giant fan strapped to her back and takes it off. She then spins and flips her fan open, creating a wind that causes us to shield our faces. We turn our heads in time to see the blonde sitting on the fan as it flies down to the ground below.

I say with sparkling eyes, "She's so cool!!"

Temari hops off her fan and lands in a crouch as Genma questions, the fan falling into her awaiting hand, "And? You are...?"

"It's my turn, right?" She says, fan testing against the ground, free hand on her hip.

"Well, you're sure an eager one, aren't you? Fine." A nod of Genma's head. "Let's start the next match, then." Genma then looks up towards the Nara. "Hey! You up there! Come down!"

Shikamaru complains, "Awe, come on! What are you doing, moving these matches up like this? Why does it have to be my stupid match that gets pushed up? Awe, man! This is such a drag!"

"Shikamaru Nara! Come on!"

Naruto and I both cheer as he jumps over to the Nara and slams his hand against his back, "Alright! Go on Shikamaru! You can do it!!"

Naruto's hit makes the ravenette fall, screaming, into the arena, his arms flailing about.

Temari merely squeezes an eye shut as Shikamaru crashes to the earth. I giggle behind my hands.

I say to Naruto, "Oopsie! I think you pushed him a bit too hard, Naruto-kun."

"Who cares?! It got him down there, didn't it?!" He giggles, which I return, ignoring the annoyed expression on Shikamaru's face.

I call down to Shikamaru, hands cupping my face, "Gee, Shika-kun! You're so graceful!"

He just gazes at me with that irate look as I let out another giggle. Then, the spectators boo Shikamaru and even start throwing their garbage at him.

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