Narrator: Part Six

Start from the beginning

"Luke!" I shriek.

"Shhhh!" He covers my mouth while shutting the door in front of us, making everything go black. "Leddy will get jealous of you being with me."

Earlier she stormed off, so she doesn't know Luke and I had plans alone. Almost immediately that bossy voice of Leddy's rings through my ears. She's slightly muffled but I can tell she's stepped into the front entryway right outside of the library.

"What are you doing?" I sputter more quietly under Luke's hand.

Luke's chest behind me is very stiff, at first making me fearful so I step forward away from his touch. Within a second my panic starts to set in, knowing the pitch blackness of the closet brings back many horrifying memories. My hands start to tremble, and the thought of being trapped circles around inside my head, but when Luke's hand lands upon my shoulder softly, I become comfortable once again.

He leans into me ever so slightly, "It's alright, I'm right here," He whispers into my ear.

Suddenly the tenseness in my body is gone and I have a strange feeling inside of me, I become empathetic of this man. Strangely I want to comfort him, understanding that he needs a break away from her to finally relax. This whole thing was very stressful, practically being kidnaped and almost eaten by wolves. He doesn't want to play any more of her stupid games. Personally, I don't like her and feel as if she's too demanding and controlling. But she is a good weapon if you need her, and thankfully, she saved everyone.

We stand is silence for a while, his hand still on my shoulder. Leddy bickers with Koda, starting a fight about where he's been for the past few years. Of course I know where he has been. Koda has been with the Hunters, he recently got in trouble and was branded. That is why we were taken in the first place; to teach him not to ever cross them again or they will murder his family, possibly me as well. I don't mind knowing my life is in danger, it already has been for as long as I can remember.

My heart tells me I need to keep doing what I am doing by staying quiet to keep Koda's plan safe from untrusted ears, but my brain tells me that it is very likely I will be killed in the future. I spin around on a whim to face Luke; his hand falls off of my shoulder. I want to take healthy risks, the type that I have never gotten to experience before. If my life is coming to an end soon I need to at least enjoy my life while I can.

In the darkness I can't see Luke's face but my eyes have adjusted enough for me to see his figure, "Are you alright?" He asks and I realize his voice sounds softer, comforting.

I'm gonna do it.

Although we are in a coat closet I know I could get closer to this man. We are only inches from each other as it is and his warm breath on me gives my arms goosebumps. My hands go for his and once they land upon his wrists I'm shocked at how warm he is. At first he is tense; probably confused I guess. I slide my fingers down and open his palms, placing my hands in his carefully. Once he threads his finders through mine and gives them a slight squeeze I know that's his sign of approval.

"I'm alright." I whisper.

"Your hands are trembling." He rubs his right thumb against the top of mine.

I don't know if it is from the dark or from this moment between Luke and I but I have to just ignore the fear. I've forced myself to so many times that it doesn't phase me anymore.

I push my chest against him making an adrenaline rush hit my body; I've never kissed anyone before but tonight I'm going to. I get on my toes and find his face, locking our lips together. Instantly the feeling of butterflies fills my stomach and I pull away slowly not knowing what to do next. The freshness of his light scent tickles my nose, and the unfamiliar idea of his body being explored by me makes me feel funny inside.

Luke releases my hands and I freeze, wondering if I made the wrong decision. The butterflies have been replaced with a pit of anticipation in my stomach only to reverse after feeling two arms brush under mine. He desperately yanks my body into him tight; the slight roughness causes me to place my arms around his neck. I slide my hands to his face and run my fingers over his cheeks slowly.

He breaks the tension by pushing his lips on mine first, showing me a rhythm that I try my best to keep up with. His large hands on the small of my back give me goosebumps as I take mine away from his face and hold onto the back of his shoulders. He shows me this control that makes me instinctively push against him more, matching his moves.

Suddenly, there is a large crash in the closet, causing me to freeze. My heartbeat races in my chest. I've become frightened that Leddy and Koda will hear us. Luke and I part slowly, breathing heavily.

"Luke, what was that?"

"I nocked over a box," His soft whisper sounds breathless.

He pushes it around with his foot but then once again there's a loud crash and a thump of something against the carpet. He yelps, loosing balance and another crash pushes him down. We fall and collide on the floor, the closet door opening.

I groan in pain as I hear, "What was that?"

Footsteps follow and then the French doors open. I lay flat on my back with Luke half ontop of me, while Koda stares down at us.

"Are you okay?" Luke ignores his cousin and keeps his attention on me.

He laughs, his chest putting pressure against mine. Funnily enough being caught in a position like this is worse than I'd assumed. I am not amused and though Luke lifts his head to meet my eyes I don't dare make a move.

"LUKE?!" I hear Leddy over Koda's shoulder.

Luke looks up at her and then back at me, giving a scandalous smirk and rubs his hand against the right side of my body. Goosebumps form up my body and before I know it Luke's lips press against mine hard.

This time when he kisses me a moan escapes my lips and Leddy gasps. I hold his head in my arms and once he pulls away he has a deep smile upon his face.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Where stories live. Discover now