E.P. 3 Roaring Muscle

Start from the beginning

Izuku:*Looks to all the trash.* "Great, much better. Why do you have me dragging trash across the beach, anyway?"

All Might:*Laughs and pulls out his phone and takes pictures of Izuku.* "Take a look at yourself. You're not ready for my power."

Izuku:*He Gasps and cires.* "But I thought you said that I was worthy!" *Izuku starts to scream.*

Ketsueki:"He's talking about that weak body of yours, Izuku."

All Might walks up to Izuku and Izuku stops screaming and looks to Ketsueki then to All Might. Ketsueki is still lifting the fridge.

All Might:"He's right. My Quirk, One For All, is a whole lot to handle. The combined physical abilities of everyone who's ever used it creates a hurricane of pure force. An unprepared body can't fully inherit it. Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried to."

Izuku screams in terror, then he shakes his head.

Izuku:*Runs his arms.* "Okay. So this whole trash thing is really some find of hardcore gym workout. And... you're my trainer."

All Might:*Smiles and gives him a thumbs up.* "With some help from Ketsueki, But you got it. But there's another reason, too."

All Might walks to the fridge he was on.

All Might:"I did a little online research yesterday. Turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful, but it's been a total mess for the last few years." *He knocks on the fridge leaving a dent.*

Ketsueki:"It used to be so beautiful. Now it's full of trash from the ocean."

Izuku stands up.

Izuku:"That's right. Because of the oceans currents, anything that's dropped in the water ends up here. People take advantage of that when they're illegally dumping their trash.Now, all the locals avoid this place."

Ketsueki:"I don't like those people." *He crosses his arms, which then causes the fridge to fall on top of him.* "Ow."

All Might and Izuku sweat drop.

Ketsueki pushes the fridge off of him.

All Might:"Heroes these days are all about showing off and capturing flashy villains." *He crushes the fridge like a soda can.* "Things were different before Quirks. Service was that mattered. Back then, heroes were those who helped the community. Even if it was kinda boring."

Ketsueki then walks up to All Might and he points to Izuku. The morning sun shines behind the too.

Ketsueki:"You will restore the coastline for this entire section of the beach. Back to the way I remember it."

All Might:"That is the first step on your path, young man."

All Might/Ketsueki:"Towards being a hero."

Izuku then looks to all the trash.

Izuku:"Um... All this? But... There's so much. That's impossible!"

All Might stands up.

All Might:"Young Midoriya, you wanna go to UA, Right?"

Izuku looks to the two.

Izuku:"Well, yeah, Of course! You both went there. So it must be the best school around, right?" *He brings up his hand and curls it into a fist.* "It's a long shot. But still. I'm gonna shot for the moon. UA."

All Might:"You've got a lot of spirit, fanboy!" *He turns around and looks out to the ocean.*  But, as I've mentioned before, hero-ing isn't easy to do without a Quirk. It's not fair, but that's the reality. And UA is the hardest hero course to get into. So that means..."

Io's Story: My Hero Academia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now