And you don't know what you got
But you got it at your fingertips

Both women stood beside each other and watched the girl with curiosity. A few butterflies flew by and she looked around with amazement in her eyes.


Ooh, you got it in you
Ooh, you got it in you

Regina took Katherine's hand and began to run with her around the trees.


When the lights go out and leave you standing in the dark

She then hid behind one of them and scared her daughter which made her laugh.


No one ever told you this would be so hard

The brunette looked at her mother lovingly, wishing she was still with her down on earth.


I know you think your fire is burning out
But I still see you shining through

Regina cupped her daughter's cheeks, pressing a kiss on her forehead gently.


You got it in you

Both walked back to Claudia, hand in hand with smiles. Claudia was resting herself on a stone by a small river. Katherine sat down besides her, letting her feet in the water.


Not everything you hear should sound like the truth

The older woman then spritzed her granddaughter with water making her to laugh.


'Cause nobody else's words can define you

Katherine looked between the two women. She felt safe around them. She always did.


Maybe you don't see it but you're quicker than the world can spin
You don't know what you got
But you got it at your fingertips

Ooh, you got it in you
Ooh, you got it in you

Claudia took Katherine's hand in hers and walked away with her.


When the lights go out and leave you standing in the dark

Both stopped in front of a field with flowers. Every kind of flowers was there you could imagine. The girl's eyes widened and a big smile made it's way on her face.


No one ever told you this would be so hard

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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