"Asshole," Jason said with a laugh. "You just want to keep Zhan to yourself. Planning on a private birthday celebration." He puckered up his lips and started to make kissing sounds.

Yibo scooped up Jason's dirty sock and threw it back at him in one motion, hitting his head. "Shut up," he huffed, when Jason laughed even louder. "The party will be at my house with just the gang. Zhan doesn't want anything bigger. He wants to have dinner, play video games and maybe watch a movie."

"K... cool. Just let me know the time," Jason said.

"Told you," Yibo said as they exited the change room. "You're not invited." He let out a loud whoop as Jason reached out to hit him. Quickly dodging, he bolted down the hall.


There was a constant buzzing between Zhan's ears today that he couldn't shake. It had started early in the morning and had not gone away, despite his efforts. At first Zhan thought it was the hum of the fridge or a malfunction of an electrical appliance. When he asked his aunt if she heard it, she responded in the negative, gave him a funny look and then asked if he was feeling ill. He said he felt fine and maybe it was just the excitement of turning 18 today. She had responded by biting on her bottom lip and telling Zhan that she needed to speak to him about something. However, she said they could wait until tomorrow and how he should go enjoy his day.

Now he was on his way to Yibo's to celebrate his birthday with his closest friends. He made sure to leave early before the streetlights turned on because he didn't want another episode and have to deal with the aftereffects on his birthday.

Yibo greeted him at the door, flinging it wide open to invite him in. "Happy Birthday," Yibo yelled, immediately jumping on him from behind as he crossed the threshold into the large foyer.

"Get off me you monkey!" Zhan laughed, slapping at Yibo's arms that was wrapped around his neck. When Yibo didn't let go, Zhan didn't fight him. Instead he kept his hand on Yibo's bare arm when he noticed the buzzing between his ears had finally stopped. When Yibo let go and slid off his back, Zhan held onto his wrist.

"Wanna see the decorations?" Yibo asked, excitedly.

Zhan's eyes widened. "You got decorations? Didn't I tell you to keep this low key?"

Yibo stuck out his lower lip in a dejected little pout and Zhan sighed. "Fine, show me the decorations," he said in exasperation. "Let me take my shoes off first. Your mom will kill me if I get mud on her marble floors."

"Nah," Yibo disagreed. "She loves you."

Zhan smiled at Yibo's response. It was true that Yibo's mom treated him like he was her own son, especially after hearing how his parents died when he was six, leaving his aunt to raise him.

Over the years Zhan had become accustomed to the size of Yibo's home. The rooms they frequented were impeccably decorated, but still felt cozy and comfortable. Zhan frowned when he noticed Yibo was leading him towards the formal dining room. It was one of the rooms that they usually avoided. Even when Zhan was invited over to eat with Yibo's family, they usually ate in the solarium overlooking the backyard garden and pool. The formal dining room was only used when Yibo's parents entertained colleagues or business associates.

"Yibo..." Zhan started to say, but then his eyes widened taking in the room. His mouth was agape as he took in the food and decorations. The first thing he noticed was that the large rectangular dining table had been moved off to the side. At the centre of the table was a large cake and surrounding it were various platters of little desserts. Amongst the candles and floral arrangements decorating the table, there were small, framed photographs of Zhan and his friends over the past four years. Each one was neatly labeled with his age at the time the photo was taken. Zhan noted how Yibo was standing beside him in every picture.

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