Crashing A Banquet

Start from the beginning

I hum, snatching his cape off his shoulders and start to fold it. "It was aimed at Infinity, but I thought it was clear I was your lover," I look up and bat my eyelashes.

He chuckles, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "That is true. We need some time just for us, blossom."

I giggle, shoving him away, "Yes, we do, after the job in here is done."

He turns as Kallen climbs onto the table to reach a panel in the ceiling. "No visions regarding us taking down the capitol here?"

"All Chinese Federation visions are about Empress Tianzi, and all I really see is her being a cute little doll. My whole heart has to be invested in order for me to force visions of particular events. I fixed myself, so I'll never experience what I did when my Geass took over again. I'll continue letting my dreams be taken over, and random flashes in my waking life. That's how I have grown to live with it, and I wouldn't want it any other way."

"You seriously want to take down the Chinese Federation's capitol?" Kallen asks, messing around with the ceiling panel.

"In such a way that we won't be viewed as invaders," Lelouch kneels to open a panel in the wall under where Kallen is standing. "If we overthrow Luoyang, we clear a lot of conditions for defeating Britannia."

"Like a chess game, but on steroids," I add, looking up as Kallen looks away from the panel. Then a small smile spreads across her face, which causes me to giggle.

"What is it?" Lelouch firmly asks.

"Hm?" I blink, looking down at him.

"Wha?" Kallen snaps out of her trance a little, and her foot slips against the edge of the table.

"Kallen!" I reach out for her, feeling a burst of Geass as I push her out of Lelouch's way. She lands on her back right next to Lelouch who has fallen back on his butt. "Holy shit, sorry! I didn't think I could actually move a person!"

"No, thank you," she lets out a breath. "Lelouch, tell me something. Why did you come back to us?"

"Kallen, when this is all over, will you return with Sakura and me to Ashford?"

I softly smile, feeling a presence that I only know is C.C. "I look forward to actually being in school."

"You see, I-" Lelouch starts, but is cut off by C.C.


I look over to see the girl eating a piece of pizza, and her cheese character plushie in one arm.

"How long have you been here?" Lelouch looks over as Kallen pushes onto her elbows to turn her head enough to look at the girl.

"It needs Tabasco, but all we have is hot sesame oil," C.C. ignores his question. "What should I do?"

"I wouldn't know."

"I wouldn't either," Kallen says.

"Where did you get pizza?" I tilt my head slightly to the side.

A beep fills the room before my cousin Kaguya's voice rings out. "Master Zero, please come to the Ikaruga, hurry! We've got trouble!"

"As much as I know her to be dramatic, I think she's serious," I sigh.

"We'll have our time together," Lelouch softly smiles, standing up and grabbing my hand. "After we figure out what the trouble is."

"You really didn't think you could move a person, Sakura?" Kallen asks, fully sitting up.

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