"Hey hang on a second! I need to talk... I want.." she groaned, snarled and sped after him, letting her wings slip out a bit and sending her rocketing to catch up, simply gliding an inch or two over the ground and landing nearer to run after him.

'Oh right he's Russian... man, what a horrible time to be spacey-'

"Я хочу помочь вам!!"
(I want to help you!!)

That sentence was all it took to freeze him and nearly slam Sarvente into him, had she not dug her heels in and stepped back to avoid a swipe from his sickle, "Я не хочу с тобой играть ... уходи..."
(I don't want to play with you... go away...)

The nun let out a little squeak as her beaded necklace caught on the blade and it's pieces flung off into the grass and foliage, "Стоп! Пожалуйста! я хочу помочь вам!"
(Stop! Please! I want to help you!)
She ducked under another sharp swing and reached a hand up to catch his arm by the wrist, squeezing and digging her fingers in between the joints to make him drop it.

Ruv hissed in pain and swung his other arm at her, landing his pointed knuckles in her ribs but her skin didn't give and he heard no bones cracking. He snarled and lifted a foot to kick her, sending her back sliding but standing.

Sarvente panted a bit, but stepped forward again, "Я серьезно! Ты хоть представляешь, что они сделают с тобой, если схватят тебя??"
(I'm serious! Do you have any idea what they'll do to you if they get their hands on you??)

Ruv wouldn't listen another minute as he pivoted on his heels and took off again, panting and tearing through the woodland desperately. He came to a screeching halt in a clearing, confronted by a hanging, limp figure, it's feet swaying.

A cold chill ran up his spine as he heard her footsteps catch up slowly.

"They forgot to take that one down, looks like..." she mumbled to herself, before turning to him, "Не знаю, чего вы ожидали... но эти земли меньше, а их полицейское управление больше, чем вы ожидаете... У вас здесь меньше свободы, чем у вас, и они обязательно воспользуются этим фактом..."
(I don't know what you were expecting... but these lands are smaller and their police department is more than you expect... You have less freedom here than you did and they'll make sure to use that fact...)

The russian shifted his gaze to her with a glare, "Вы меня не знаете. Меня не волнуют ни вы, ни ваши правила. Оставь меня в покое-" (You don't know me. I don't care for any of you or your rules. Leave me alone) he huffed and turned to walk away again.

"Что, чтобы вы могли проложить себе путь по стране и попасть на полпути? Вы не устали бежать?" (What, so you can scrape your way through the country and get pinned halfway? Aren't you tired of running), she asked, holding up the bounty poster, "Ваши преступные действия отслеживаются девять лет назад. Девять лет ... вы давно потерялись ... Я могу вам помочь." (Your criminal acts have been tracked back nine years. Nine years... you've been lost for a long time... I can help you)

After a long pause, the russian shrugged and turned to keep walking, passing under the tree with a rolled eye at the hanging figure, "Мне не нужна помощь. Уходите." (I don't want help. Go away), he growled and trudged off into the trees.

Sarvente watched him with a disappointed sigh, head lowered as she heard the crunch of his cloth-wrapped feet stomp through the forest.

Ruv let the crunches and shuffles of the undergrowth under him fade into the white noise he's grown used to hearing as he squinted into the trees and up among the branches. As he walked, he'd let his thoughts dwell on her words and the hanging figure. No doubt he'd be shot on sight, but whether they could get close enough to have a clear shot was the new concern. In Russia he could travel for days in the solitude he craved before running into anyone, but here everything seemed much closer and more pushed together, with few expanses of forest to hide in.

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