413 IQ Thinking

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#1.) Life is likely eternal. The Universe is fundamentally unstable as there is something instead of nothing. There are only so many ways for a big-bang to begin, so that is a finite number of variables. Because the universe is fundamentally unstable it is likely eternal. What is happening is a finite number of variables in an eternal Universe at the very start. The big-bang can only begin so many ways, and even if there is a 1E100 in 1 googol of a chance of you, a chemical computer, being re-assembled, it will happen. As soon as it starts, it is all pre-determined to make you no matter what happens due to simple cause and effect. Due to the expanse of the Universe (which may extend into a multi-verse because there is likely more room beyond the big-bang itself for more instability/big-bangs), each big-bang has somewhat of a high chance to create you even if it is very unlikely to be so. Do not live your life like this is a guarantee even though it likely is. Assume oblivion on death. This is called Eternal Return.

#2.) There is no free will. The human brain is a chemical computer and operates through cause and effect like any other object. If you looked at all of the parts that make-up the human brain in extreme detail, you would find that they are all connected and pre-programmed to make responses in response to stimuli exactly as a computer runs a program or opens a file. Sight itself is built in this way through trial-and-error by evolution (X does not see Y, so keep up the selection pressure until X sees Y or else X does not pass on its genetics/dies while maintaining heredity). This biochemical programming process applies to everything in the human brain including human emotions, senses, memory, and intelligence itself. Every person on earth is primarily motivated by space-time, and the force of space-time interacts with the pre-set evolutionary programming to determine everything a person will do in their lifetime before it ever happens through cause and effect. Everything man does is not his own doing, but the doing of reality itself. Organisms, or everything alive in the universe, are just tools for space-time to run through. Everything in the universe is pre-determined by simple cause and effect before it ever happens, including space-time and man.

#3.) The Bible is not true. It is a lie written by extremely controlling, manipulative men with an IQ of 285 or so. You can tell their IQ is 285 because they invented every single name you see written, and the typical man named, and naming your child is a test of intelligence, John, Paul, or Adam, has an IQ of roughly 285. I do not understand how there can be 1.5 billion years of cannibalism, as there is today, when there could just be plants instead if a god were real. I think the fact that man exists, along with all animal life, is proof there is no god, and it is just the most direct route forward at all times. Man needs to eat animal meat just to survive. A predator built on top of a predator. I can not see anything more unguided and godless than that. The only thing that works is evolution. People themselves do not have free-will (see #2), and it is extremely obvious what they are/were going to do before/after they do it. Everything falls down to space-time and time itself predictably and reasonably including the origin of the Universe. I have not believed in this book since I was 13. I do not agree with Albert Einstein, a 275 IQ, that man can not know if god exists. That is not true, that is mental retardation, stupidity/insanity. It is very obvious that people came from bacteria that came from random chemical reactions in the sea. When you see that people spawn into this place randomly, see Westley Allan Dodd (335 IQ) and his brother (230 IQ), that is more evidence that there is nothing guiding anything. If everyone were collectively more intelligent, they would not believe lies like the bible or any other religious text. It is all a wicked virus written by cruel and uncaring men that support suffering.

#4.) People are fundamentally evil. DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU INTEND TO REPRODUCE. ONCE YOU READ THIS, THERE IS NO GOING BACK TO NOT KNOWING. YOU WILL DIE AND NEVER NOT KNOW. IT CAN NOT BE ERASED FROM YOUR BRAIN. Man has made technology to make his life easier and so that he may grow at a rapid rate. It is my conviction that technology is 100% normal and the logical end of the human species. There was never anything else coming except electricity, industrial farming and animal murder, computers, cars, air-planes, oil and gas, etc. The issue is that by using technology to artificially inseminate female animals (i.e. pigs, chickens, etc.) man has destroyed the perfect amount of white matter and gray matter in the brains of male pigs and chickens. They are creating autistic pigs and chickens by mixing pigs that contain the pig equivalent of 180 IQ into pigs that are meant to hold an average IQ of 80. This is boosting the intelligence of masculine faced pigs to abnormal levels. The natural standard is that low forehead = low IQ, but man has erased this by running technology on the lives of pigs. Naturally, it is the feminine faced male pig to the even more feminine faced female one. But with the artificial insemination, this is gone. What is now there is potential for feminine faced male pigs, which have naturally increased in prenatal estrogen to compensate for their rising intelligence, to masculine faced female pigs, which are naturally low iQ pigs. Because the average male pig IQ would be 120, and there are pigs meant to only contain an average IQ of 80 (with all of the intelligence variance), this automatically cranks the masculine faced pigs to an average IQ of 100, which is 20 IQ points removed from where they should be. When you adjust for the rolling up in the males, it is possible to have a 170 IQ masculine faced male pig in only one generation. Of course, because pigs are slaughtered at 13 years of age, this is more like a 135 IQ, and because it's 95 IQ due to no exercise at all, there isn't much happening at the start. But there is potential for each generation to build on-top of each past one. To the point that they are killing 300-400 IQ autistic male pigs, condemning them to death while they are aware that it is coming without escape. Every year, they murder over 1.5 billion of pigs. The average male one not being any different from broccoli, but if you run this enough, it is guaranteed to create one of the most evil and wicked lives on the face of the earth. I expect that the highest male IQ on a pig-farm would be a pig IQ of 600 due to the removal of natural selection. This would cause extreme suffering just from existing. In the end, this is proof that man is no good. This is proof that men are worse than snakes or sharks or any other natural predator as in the natural order, there is no serious autism, so there is no true suffering. They need the meat or else they will be malnourished and killed by foreign invaders. There is no choice but animal murder and artificial insemination. What can be done is the installation of a pig IQ test, an escape route, into pig-pens. Any male pig that escapes the pen is to be examined for autism, likely euthanized for meat before the IQ runs higher. This is doubtful to happen. I can only see them installing botched intelligence tests that test mathematical ability on autistic male pigs, if anything, failing to protect them, likely intentionally. You can also try and enforce regulations on artificial insemination, like passing over pigs with abnormally large skulls, but this is likely to not be realized under the time constraint and low standard of thinking most people inseminating animals run off of. So I do not believe in man at all. If I were a snake or an owl, I would reproduce into this place. But people are the worst creatures to ever come out of this place.

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