"If you're cold, I can warm you up." I stepped towards him, carefully not to freak him out. I moved my arms around him in a delicate embrace, placing my head in his neck.

Hawks Pov

Something didn't sit well in my stomach. Why was Dabi here? Would I be kidnapped all over again? I stood there shaking, unable to move or think. I didn't answer him. A part of me was thinking this was a hallucination, the other wanting it to be. I soon realized I was more or less trapped in his arms, with very little pressure on my body. I could almost pass this as a phantom touch, it was light and comforting, and yet so dark and taunting.

"I see you are wearing my jacket." His smooth voice whispered, lightly in my ear. His voice sent shivers down my spine causing my legs to shake more and give out.

I tensed up, thinking I would hit the floor harshly on my boney knees. That hard pain never came, instead firm and strong arms supported from under my own arms. I wriggled around trying to pry myself from them, but to no avail.

"F-fuck off! I didn't ask you to be here." I said harshly, finally able to push myself free. My body is still shaking, my legs making it all the more noticeable.

He nodded as if he agreed with me, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. We both stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, facing each other but no conversation started. I turned and unsteadily walked towards my balcony, the main sliding doors I use now unlocked and ready to be opened. I faced him before I stepped out, he didn't seem to move, but his eyes were still focused on me. It was unnerving to say the least. I walked to the hot tub and struggled to flip the lid over.

"Curse this weak ass body." I mumbled to myself, just as arms with burn scars and staples showed on either side of my body. They rested gently on the lid, before flipping it over for me.

"The water's green... Not something you should relax in." Dabi stated, acting like his body isn't pressing me into the tub. Not painfully, but just in a weird way.

"Thanks tips... I can see that. I'm not blind."

"Oh really? I mean your eyes look it, remember?" He commented, turning me around and placing his fingers just above and below my one eye. He gently pulled my eyelids apart and a look of concern crossed his face. I was leaning back as far as I could before I suddenly began to fall back, but his arm caught me before falling in the green liquid.

"Careful now."

"Can it pyro!" I raised my voice, shoving him back angrily and stormed back inside.

He followed me inside after I heard a soft bang noise from the outside, and I assumed it was the lid from the hottub being closed. I was mad, and didn't really understand why, but he knew that. He kept his distance and yet also was checking to see if I was okay. He stepped past me and into the kitchen and started pulling things out of the fridge, placing stuff onto the dusty counter.

"What the hell are you doing?" I spat.

"What's it look like?" He replied, not looking up from his task. The occasional disgusted expression showed on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "You should get going."

"And you should sit down." He was right, I did feel my strength lessen the longer I stood, and I needed to sit. I sat down gently at the stools at the kitchen counter, wiping my index finger along the dusty surface.

"Don't worry, I'll go get food for you later."

"Don't bother. Present Mic already went to do that.... That's why I'm saying you should get going, he might be back soon."

He looked up from his task after clearing one shelf from the fridge already. He looked at me softly, then processed removing items from the fridge.

"Do me a favor then when I'm gone... Throw all this shit in a garbage bag."

I looked at him in confusion, and he stopped once again.

"Don't order me around pyro." I said hastily.

"Relax, I'm going to get you things after I empty the fridge."

"I told you Present Mic went to get food for me already!" I slapped my hands on the dusty counter. Dust now floated in the air, just like sand stirring at the bottom of the ocean.

"Look feathers, I'm getting you chemicals, bandages, and alcohol. I'm not staying here without alcohol."

Feathers? What kind of weird ass nickname is that? Where have I heard that before? I slowly pushed moldy cheese into the garbage bag he had on the counter. I didn't want to look into that sentence, a lot of it was weird to me. I never said he could stay. All the items that went bad were finally on the counter. He closed the fridge doors and faced me with a huff.

"Look I don't need to stay, just thought it would be easier to help you if I did."

I frowned, "Okay, but I have cleaning supplies in the closet over there." I pointed behind me towards the laundry room, which held the closet of cleaning supplies. I shoved another item slowly in the bag. The rotting smell was so bad that I had to take breaks in between putting items in the bag.

"I mean like chemicals to shock the hot tub... Ph, sanitizer, calcium pucks. You can't relax in a green hot tub."

"See you in a bit." He called out, after heading out the front door to the apartment. I heard the soft click of the door closing.

"I hope not...." I mumbled quietly, knowing no person could hear me.

I spent the next thirty minutes throwing expired and rotting food in the bag like Dabi had ordered. I threw out the moldy fruit on the counter, stirring up many fruit flies. The smell made me want to throw up, but at this point I was sure my room and bathroom were also dusty. Deep down I wished it was possible to put rooms through a car wash, I was not looking forward to cleaning the entirety of the apartment when I should be resting.

I heard a knock on the door. I limped slowly over and hesitated before opening the door. I checked the small one way peephole in the door to see who was out in the hall. I saw the blond hair of Present Mic and opened the door instantly.

"Hey." I said shyly. I was hoping Dabi didn't run into the Pro Hero, but decided to act like nothing happened.

"Hey, I got you some food so let's get rid of all that bad food and replace it with this." He stated, placing the grocery bags on the dusty counter.

"I already threw out the bad food." I replied, motioning towards the half filled garbage bag.

"Oh Hawks, you can't push yourself like that!" The older blond said, looking at me with a half harsh glare.

"Besides, you need your energy when we leave soon." He continued.

"What? Where are we going?" I asked, placing milk in the fridge.

"You'll see." He responded with a smirk, lightly shooing me to go sit down and let him continue.

After soundhound finished putting the food away, he told me to dress in different clothes. I put on black jeans that were slightly loose on my body since no other of my clothes would fit me yet. I held them up with a belt with a nice red metal buckle, once matching my wings, as they themselves are more a dark red than a bright red. I put on a white T-shirt and a dark blue zip-up sweater before looking in the mirror. I was starting to wonder why I had clothes like this, normally I would never wear dark clothes, because I didn't recognize myself in them.

I huffed out and walked back into the living room where Present Mic sat, completely unfazed by the dusty furniture. He looked up from his phone, "You ready?"

I nodded slowly. After I was freed from the Sakahara prison I was confined in, I noticed how frequently I would find myself unsure of what to do next. This was one of them. Dabi knew where I lived, and wanted to be close to me. I thought that maybe his orders from Shigaraki were to let me go, but keep a close eye on me, therefore he had to stay close to me. It was the most logical explanation that I could think of. The only thing that stumped me was the bathtub 'incident'.

We headed out the door to a car that had two other people in it. One was a surprised purple haired kid, who I assumed was Shinso, and the second was a grumpy Eraserhead. Who immediately gave me a death glare. This night is going to be eventful...

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