7: Seeing Red White and Pink

Start from the beginning

It took me a second to regain my bearings after my head was slammed into the wall, but as soon as my vision cleared I saw a very familiar metal hand that was grasping my shirt collar. Already knowing who it was that had a hold on me I looked up to meet them at eye level.

"What do you think you're going into my sister's cove?" Foxy asked threateningly, surprisingly without a pirate accent, her faded Amber eyes glowing with murderous intent within the darkened room.

"M-my j-." I tried to reply before she began to apply pressure to my throat making it hard to breathe.

"What was that? I can't understand you." She began to mock as more and more pressure was slowly pressed on my neck. I had already lost the ability to intake air, so my time was starting to tick.

In a quick thought and desperate attempt I tried to reach over with my right hand and flip her off switch, but before I could even get it close she grabbed it with her free hand and pinned it against the wall. Then so she could free up that hand again, doing what would usually be considered a impressive show of flexibility, she brought up her left leg and used her foot to pin my hand next to my head.

"Trying to resist, are we?" She said with a mix of both threatening and mocking tones, with just the smallest hint of lust peaking through. By this point my face was probably beginning to turn blue.

"F-Foxy, you should probably put him down." A mysterious yet kinda familiar voice spoke behind Foxy, unfortunately out of view so I couldn't identify them straight away. As those words were said Foxy's grip on my neck loosened up just enough for me to suck in tight breaths.

"What do you mean Mangle?" Foxy asked as her head did a complete 180 so that it was facing behind her. If it wasn't for the fact I knew they were machines I probably would have passed out from how sudden and creepy the display was.

"I-I don't think h-he is here for the same re-reason as the others." Mangle answered as she walked around to where she was just within view. In her hands was my maintenance list. As she was moved to get a look at me Foxy turned her head back to a facing forward position. Looking me in the eye, Mangle began to ask me a question. "A-are you here for our maintenance checkup?"

All I could do for a reply was a shaky nod as Foxy's grip still prevented me from forming words. As soon as I nodded Foxy turned to look Mangle in the eyes, after a tense few seconds of them staring at each other Foxy let out an annoyed scoff and let go of my shirt. I instantly fell to my knees while clutching my neck to try ease the sore muscles.

"You better be right sis." Foxy said as she took a few steps back so I had room to stand back up. Mangle had also taken a step back so they were standing side by side. As I regained my breath I took this chance to get a look at what they looked like.

They were very close in height. Foxy being 5'9ft with Mangle being only an inch shorter at 5'8ft, the same height as me. They had a slender but curvy build, with DD Cup breasts and hips many men would die for. Foxy was primarily red in colour with her secondary colour being a much lighter shade of red, Mangle on the other hand was primarily white with pink as her secondary colour.

Their eye colours were exactly the same shade of amber, although slightly faded in colour. And the only real difference between them design wise apart from their colours and height was their hair. While Mangle had shorter white hair that went half way down her neck, while Foxy had long red hair that was currently braided over her shoulder.

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