After cleaning up and getting ready for bed, Jim sat on the end of his bed, lights closed as he pulled out a small crystal necklace from his bag that he brought upstairs to his room. The crystal's orange glow, his only source of light. Vendel had given him a small piece of Heartstone, "without the power of a Heartstone, the transformation could be more painful than it should. I am unable to stop or revert this process so best keep a piece of Heartstone with you, even if just a small piece can help." He had told Jim before they went back to his friends. 

With a sigh, Jim picked up the mask from his bag and laid the mask down on his nightstand so that he would remember to use it if he truly needed to tomorrow.


Jim woke up, body warm and cold at the same time. His joints and muscles hurt, yet it wasn't as bad as the first time. Then again , this time it wasn't instantaneous. He got out of bed and looked over himself to see if he could find any changes that had occurred during his sleep. Thankfully, it didn't seem like there were major changes that he could see. 

He got ready for the day, wearing his signature blue vest and red shirt underneath, before putting on a beanie in an attempt to hide his slowly growing horns. He was thankful that his clothes still fit, although maybe just a tad bit shorter. 

Sticking his head out of his room he looked around before taking note left on his mom's door. "Got called in early -mom" with a smile he walked out and prepared something simple for himself and Toby with an extra for Claire if she wanted. 

He had rehearsal today morning, he couldn't afford to be late so he would have to leave without Toby today- as if on cue, a knock echoed throughout the house. "Jimbo!" He heard Toby call, glad that he didn't have to ride alone to school. 

"We're going to be late for rehearsal!" He heard Claire’s voice call from outside as well. Claire was here? 

Opening the door, he walked out carrying packed lunches. One being given to Toby and the other he stuffed into his own bag. "Claire? What are you doing here?" He voiced out, still surprised that his crush had taken a detour on her bike to go to his house. 

Claire crossed her arms in front of her. "I wanted to make sure that I wasn't crazy and what happened last night really happened." She supplied which made Jim smile weakly. 

"It did." Jim and Toby both said in unison with a smile. And soon the trio were off to school, their trip being filled with small talk about what happened last night. 

Reaching the front of the school the group stopped to wait for the passing traffic to stop. Jim took that time to look around, trying to take in the peace of everything around him. That's when his blue eyes met a familiar pair of hazel ones. The boy's breath hitched and stopped in his throat, accidentally dropping his bike which gained the attention of his companions when the person called Jim's name.  

"Jim…?" A fairly tall looking teen said his light hazel eyes shining with hope as he took a step forward. Jim knew that at this current time the two of them have never met, so how was it that he knew who he was?

Jim couldn't help but allow the hope of someone else remembering the events that transpired take hold of him as his eyes welled up with tears. No, no. He didn't remember. Douxie didn't remember. Nari said so, didn't she? Only trollhunter knows

The younger teen, emotions overflowing like it had with Vendel, tried his best to restrain a sob. Causing his friends to worry about him. Without warning, the younger teen was tackled down by the wizard. "You did it, Jim! You did it!" 

Unable to hold it in anymore, the younger teen cringed onto the wizard and sobbed quietly into the other's shoulder. "D-Douxie…?" He sobbed. The wizard shedding a few tears of his own, gently petting the younger boy on the head as they both fell to their knees. "I'm here, Jim." 

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