II. Severus Snape

Start from the beginning

"Are you crazy?!" Percy burst, "You really think I cast the Dark Mark? Look, I see why you're taking precautions but-"

"You must not tell lies, Mr. Potter." The woman answered, her voice high-pitched to the point that Percy wanted to clap his hands over his ears.

"Were you helping Sirius Black into Hogwarts castle last year?" Crouch demanded suddenly, changing topic.

The question took Percy off guard. How could they even ask that? "Of course not!" He snapped. "Why the hell would I have helped someone who was out to kill me and my brother? The man who is responsible for the deaths of my parents?"

"How are you aware of the betrayal of Sirius Black to the Potters?"

"Well, I was four years old when it happened. I still remember that night like yesterday," Percy admitted, jaw locked.

"Describe it," Piped up toad-face.

Percy stared at her, "Excuse me?"

Her nose curled slightly. "You heard me correctly, boy. Recite what you remember of the night of October 31st, 1981."

Percy's green eyes were wide and turning with fury like the waves of a dreaded storm. He breathed carefully, watching as the glass of water on the desk in front of him swirled dangerously. "What, may I ask, does that night have to do with this situation?"

"Well it was the downfall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and a possible cause for... extended trauma."

Percy gaped in disbelief. He was about ready to shout at her when the other man spoke for the first time that morning. "Now, Dolores, he has a point. It is not the topic of discussion today."

"Oh, Shacklebolt-"

"Enough," Crouch cut them off. "Potter, does being a Slytherin have anything to do with this... behavior? Perhaps a misguided bout of loyalty edged on by fellow Pureblood ideas?"

"What? No! My school house has nothing to do with this!"

"So you admit something did happen?"

"Obviously! I just had nothing to do with it!"

"Then what were you doing out there and alone?"

Percy clenched his fists tightly. "Listen, I saw the death eaters and we ran, I ran to find my brother, okay? I ran and I found him as the crowds were thinning. He was on the ground, probably got knocked out and some point in the stampede and we saw this other man and this house-elf there, the guy cast the spell and then the two of them disappeared, I don't know anything else-"

"Evidence says otherwise." Crouch's voice was higher than before.

"You're not even listening to me!"

"We don't have to," Dolores cut in sharply. "It's all written on your face."

"I swear to all the-"

"That is quite enough!" Shacklebolt decided, shouting loudly to get everyone's attention. "This is not working."

"No," the woman agreed, "it's not. Mr Crouch, I propose a, erm, different method," she said, looking at Crouch pointedly.

Percy watched Shacklebolt closely, his heart rate picking up slightly as he saw the man's eyes widen a fair amount. "Are you implying the use of an unforgivable?" He demanded, outraged. Percy felt his heart leap dangerously.

She swallowed. "Yes. Yes, I am."

Crouch huffed as Percy watched with wide eyes. The man was brutal, Percy would give him that. Finally, Crouch spoke. "Very well. Whatever it takes."

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