"Avory you okay?" Bryson asked walking into my office.

"yeah i guess" I answered.

I really do need to find out how far along i am. I look chubby.

"you know if you need anything you can tell me" he smirked looking at me while biting his lower lip.

"i'm aware of that sir" i nodded.

"mmm" he looked at me,his eyes holding something dark and mischievous.

"sir um-ow"-"sorry to disturb you" Alice walked into the stern steer down between Bryson and I.

"speak Alice" he sounded like he was ordering but his eyes still remained on me

"they said you were in here...but he's here to see you" Alice stated which caught his attention.

Who's he?

"tell him i'll be there in a few" he smiled as she nodded heading back to where she came from.

"i'll see you around,miss Mornin' Starr" he winked leaving.

That's suspicious.

The day passed quickly,there weren't any call ins nothing important at least.

Soon it was 5 pm, and my shift had ended.

My phone blinged as I packed my things together.

TYDER: Dinner tonight 8 pm? 

AVORY: Where are we going?

TYDER: It's a surprise

AVORY: You trying to kidnap me?

TYDER: Maybe I am.

AVORY: Lol. Sure why not?

TYDER: I'll pick you up


TYDER: w♥i♥n♥k

I smile looking at my phone.

For once in my life I feel free,like there isn't a care in the world.

I have someone who loves me and he isn't affraid to show it,i'm not his second option and he has never layed his hands on me.

He accepts both my baby and I and i'm happy he does.

I throw my bag on my back heading out of my office.

I knock on the door of Brysons' office.

I hear whisper on the other side,yet no-one comes to answer.

'i guess i'll just have to stand and wait' i huffed looking at the watch on my hand, already putting together my outfit for tonight.

I look over at a little boy on the other half of the station.

Why does he look so familiar?

He fills his cup with water turning towards me as he drinks it.

Thankfully he doesn't see me stairing.

I look on,digging through my memory book...I can see the face but I can't place where I know him from.

He finishes drinking his water,and his eyes set on mines.

I don't know why,but my stomach knots and I feel my heart pounding faster and faster in my chest.

'why is this little kid freaking me out?' I ask myself.

He winks running in another direction.

Well that wasn't weird.

"Avory?",I turn to see who was calling my name as it was Alice. Again.

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