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“Helloooo, everybody!” Shivina Mehra's chirpy voice greeted the party that had gathered at her brother, Ram Kapoor’s residence. It was a small gathering of close friends, a private celebration on Shivina and Akshay’s first wedding anniversary.

“Oooh, the lovebirds are here,” Brinda, Ram’s friend, met them at the door, welcoming the couple as she hugged first Shivina and then her husband, Akshay. “Happy anniversary, you two! May you always be blooming with love.”

“Thank you, Bree,” Shivina replied, though her eyes settled on her husband, dazzling with adoration, as she reached out and intertwined her hand with his.

Akshay raised their entwined hands and brought them to his lips for a lingering kiss, while their gazes locked as if oblivious to their surroundings.

Vedika, who sat rapt, watching the whole episode unfold, felt a heaviness settle in her chest. She and Shivina were so much alike and yet they weren't, simply because Shivina had made the right decision that brought her the happiness she possessed today, and Vedika hadn’t.

Brinda cleared her throat, “We’re all here.”

Shivina blushed. Akshay laughed as he let go of his wife’s hand, “Where’s Priya di?”

“She's doing a final check on the refreshments and will be with us in a moment,”  Brinda replied.

“Okay. I'll join the guys until then,” Akshay said and went to where the men were gathered. 

Brinda and Shivina joined Vedika and Twinkle who sat on the plush sofas lining the central area in the living room. 

“Hey, ladies! Vedika, great you could make it,” Shivina greeted them and then addressed Vedika as she took a seat opposite her. Shivina hadn't expected to see Vedika and her husband, Shashi, at this private event today as she was afraid it would be an awkward encounter, one which could quickly spiral out of hand. Shivina was engaged to marry Shashi’s younger brother, Sid, until she’d gathered the courage to call off the wedding and confess her love for Akshay to her brother. Things had been slightly strained between Shashi and Ram post that, and even though they were also business associates, Vedika and Shashi had skipped not only Shivina’s wedding but also Ram's wedding.

“I couldn't say no to Ram,” Vedika replied.

Ram and Vedika had dated for a few years until she had moved on to marry their mutual friend and Ram’s business associate, Shashi Dixit. Though she had chosen to break up with Ram and marry Shashi, Ram had been the perfect gentleman and accepted her reasons for doing so without any fuss. He had, infact, gone on to stay friends with her.

“Priya bhabhi!” Shivina squealed, jumping up as Priya approached them. 

“Happy anniversary, Shivi,” Priya greeted Shivina, enveloping her in a warm hug.

“Thank you! Where’s Ram bhai, though? Please don't tell me he's still at work,” Shivina's eyes widened in disbelief.

“Of course...” Priya replied teasing her, then added, “...not,” at her horrified expression.


“He got back 10 minutes ago and is in his room, freshening up. He’ll come down soon,” Priya assured her.

“Meanwhile, why don't you sit and tell us the secret of this glow radiating off your face?” Brinda dragged Shivina to sit beside her on the couch.

“It's nothing,” Shivina shrugged, though the pink hue that stained her cheeks belied her words.

“Oh, yeah,” Brinda mocked.

“It’s love. Love is the secret,” Vedika responded. “People who have love marriages are truly blessed.”

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