~Living Room~

Niobe: "Layla, the tradition of Andros has always been the parents' pick-a-partner for their children." Layla: "I know, but I don't care about tradition. Anyway, I'm too young to think about marriage and when the time comes, I'll choose my guy." Niobe: "Nabu's a wonderful young man, Layla." Layla: "And I'm gonna marry him because I love him and..." Tecna: "Got it! I found out how to defeat the Dragon Fire." Layla: "Sorry, Mom. Gotta run."


Tecna uses her magic dust to open the book. Tecna: "This book relates the story of how the magical universe came to be. In the beginning, when the great Dragon Fire was born, an opposite force was also created. This force was contained in Water Stars and these were the..." Amore: "Uh, Tecna, hang on a second. I thought Water Stars didn't exist anymore." Tecna: "In this dimension, they don't. That's true." Bloom: "Where do they exist, then?" Tecna: "Well, because they're naturally opposed to one another, the Dragon Fire and the Water Stars couldn't exist in the same dimension without causing absolute chaos. Something had to be done to restore the balance. And so the Ancient Wizards came together to collect the Water Stars and seal them off from our dimension." Y/n: "I'm the fairy of the Water Stars. I also have Dragon Flame and other powers like my Father. I can go get them." Bloom: "Do we know where they are?" Tecna: "Yes, they're in the Golden Kingdom." Musa: "Okay, where's that?" Tecna: "The portal to the Golden Kingdom lies at the base of the Red Tower." Chatta: "Yikes! That's in the Veil Mist Forest beyond the Barrier Mountains. That's a dangerous place!" Y/n: "Why don't we bring the boys?"

~Red Fountain ship~

Timmy: "Well, that's weird." Digit: "What is?" Timmy: "The Navi-transmitter is acting kinda funny." Sky: "It's probably broken. There's gotta be a spare at the supply bay, Timmy." Bloom: "And if it's not broken, then what?" Timmy: "Well, if it's not broken, it's kind of scary because it's showing a great big void where the Veil Mist Forest should be. In other words, there's literally nothing in front of us." Stella: "Nothing?" Y/n: "What if it's a protection thing?" Sky: "It would make sense." Timmy: "Yeah. According to this Navi-transmitter, we're going to end up flying right off the edge of the world if we keep going in that direction." While Layla finds a new transmitter, she sees a mysterious person hiding somewhere. Layla: "Huh? Is someone in here?" Layla creates a Morphix ball to find where the person is. The person is revealed to be Ophir. Layla: "You!" Ophir puts his hood on and disappears. Layla catches him. Layla: "Gotcha! Now talk." Ophir: "That's my foot." Layla: "Huh?" Y/n: "Haha!" Ophir: "Don't you hang out with the dark circle?" Y/n: "Not always, they send me anim-AH!" Birds flock on her. Y/n: "I SWEAR DUMAN IF YOU SEND ME ANOTHER ANIMAL!" Ophir reappears. Layla: "Alright, now put your hands where I can see them." Ophir: "Layla, are you forgetting the magic word?" Layla: "Or I'll blast you with all the energy I can muster?" Ophir: "The magic word I meant "please", but, oh well." Layla creates handcuffs on Ophir. Layla: "Now get up." Ophir: "You know, last time we met, you and I were never properly introduced. My name is Ophir." Layla: "Turn around, walk slowly, go." Ophir: "All right." Sky: "It's just a glitch, Timmy." Timmy: "I don't know, maybe we should land in the Barrier Mountains and walk from there just in case this isn't a glitch. What do you think?" Layla: "Look what I found!" Sky: "What? You again?" Layla: "Here, Timmy." Layla fetches Timmy the new transmitter. Ophir: "I-I can explain." Y/n: "Ophir has a-" Ophir: "Shut it." Y/n: "Hmph." Bloom: "You better." Musa: "And it better be good." Ophir: "You know, I wanted to go to Veil Mist Forest to practice my invisibility spells against the monsters that live there. But with all that's going on with Valtor, I couldn't find any transport, so here I am." Tecna: "He's lying." Y/n: "No he's not. Most wizards do that. Did they not teach you how to make portals?" Ophir: "No, I am not lying. I snuck aboard just as you were getting ready to leave." Stella: "Okay then, how do you know where we were going?" Ophir: "I heard you talk about it at Alfea and I, um..." Tecna: "Lies." Flora: "Hey, we don't know that!" Y/n: "He's a nice guy." Tecna: "Flora, you forget that it's because of him that Valtor got away with the Agador Box?"

Sky's Little Sister- Rewrite (Editing to make easier to read)Where stories live. Discover now