Xie De and Reian both winced internally as their master left. Only Jin Yu wasn't fearful of the copying rooms in Jingshén, where old texts and scriptures were reprinted by hand. It was considered the height of torture to the young disciples to be sent there, where tedious work, long hours, and sore wrists were always a given.

The three were silent for a while, just listening to Master Hao's footsteps going down the stairs. It was Xie De who bravely spoke first, saying; "Do you think that means Xie Yi-jun will be staying with us for a while?"

"Xie De! Master just told us not to gossip-"

Xie De practically smacked A'Yu-

"I wasn't gossiping, it was just a question!"

Before Reian could stick around to hear the rest of their little argument, his feet were already carrying him down the stairs. He wasn't even sure where he was going or why, but upon hearing that the young man they'd rescued the night before might possibly still be here, he'd felt a sudden energy within himself that he could only describe as joy.

I am not Jin Songcai, he told himself sternly. I just... just want to make sure Xie Yi-jun is okay-

"Reian, why don't you join us?"

Stopping abruptly at Master Hao's voice, Wen Reian stood statue still as he watched his elder pouring five cups of tea. The extra one for the man sitting at the table...

His mentor continued; "I was just discussing with Yi-jun our current assignment in Sanlín City. He has many interesting thoughts about it that you might enjoy."

Reian swallowed, feeling his fists clench again, this time not in anger, instead due to something much scarier that he couldn't remember ever feeling before. A sense of dread, of wrongness...

Xie Yi-jun didn't turn around to look at him, instead taking his tea and idly drinking it, clearly uninterested in who had rescued him. Wen Reian managed to hide his emotions regarding that, replying to Master Hao with a polite nod and then taking the seat furthest away from Xie Yi-jun.

Perhaps he had done that on purpose, as now the man was almost forced to look at him across the table. Their eyes met only once before Yi-jun glanced away, and in that second Reian felt that something was blindingly different about him today.

Last night, the man that had fallen into his arms was fragile, exposed. He was like a raw nerve, absolutely nothing inhibiting his aura. It glowed from him, Reian had seen every nuance of life and breath and pain from within the man's soul, in all its chaotic beauty.

The stranger who was sipping tea had no sense of aura. This was odd for Reian as he seemed to always get a vague idea of a person's energy, simply from looking at them. No... the Xie Yi-jun before him now had somehow disconnected. Reian wasn't sure how it was possible, to be receiving nothing from him except silence, stillness. And yet, that was all he could see.

Fingers fidgeting nervously in his lap, Reian tried not to think about the sobbing he'd heard last night. Hoping it was only a dream, he fearfully realized it was entirely reasonable that something awful had happened to Yi-jun last night and in response, his system had closed itself off from the outside world.

What in heaven's name could cause such a reaction, well he dreaded to think... a pain unlike anyone has ever known, surely.

When Xie De and Jin Yu also found them, both taking equally awkward seats, Master Hao explained once more.

"Boys, as you know we were asked to come to Sanlín City on important business. As disciples of Jingshén you are to aid me as well as learn. So, who can tell me why we are here?"

Xie De cleared his throat hesitantly, and it was obvious to Reian the nervous glances he kept stealing at Xie Yi-jun...

Eventually Xie De spoke, "There have been reports of malicious spirits congregating at a church in this town."

Master Hao nodded. "Yes, and malicious spirits arise when...?"

"When a person dies with unsatisfied revenge, or particularly painfully."

Jin Yu's answer, as always, was perfect down to the last word.

"Reian," Master Hao said. "How do we go about dealing with these spirits?"

Reian knew the answer. It was simple. But he was distracted. Horribly distracted. And he was distracted by the smile on Xie Yi-jun's hollowed face.

Instead of answering his master, Reian blurted out stupidly; "What's so funny?"

Rude. You didn't address him properly and spoke as if you were speaking to an old friend, not a seven hundred year old dead monarch!

As Reian kicked himself internally, Xie Yi-jun slowly shrugged and his smile faded, yet he still didn't look up. Setting his cup down, the man raised a dark eyebrow.

"Back in my day there was no talk of dealing with malicious spirits. If a town or household had them, they had handfuls of talismans to ward them off and not much else. Now you all live in The Spirit Orchard and hunt the things for sport," he shook his head. "How pitiful the poor creatures must be."

Master Hao corrected him gently, "We hunt dangerous spirits for the safety of all. Yi-jun, I appreciated your take on the matter. Would you please share it with my students?"

The man seemed to sigh, as if this conversation was entirely pointless and a waste of time. Perhaps to him it is...

"Malicious spirits always exist for a reason, be it revenge or wrongful death, whatever it may be. They were at one time human beings that have lingered due to strong attachments to this world."

"But, how should we go about removing them then, if they're human?" Xie De wondered aloud.

Xie Yi-jun just nodded. "Your Master can show you ways of dealing with the spirits that I cannot even fathom. All I can teach you is how to evade or avoid the little beasts."

Master Hao nodded, "This is why I have invited Yi-jun to join us-"

Reian's breath caught audibly. Luckily it didn't draw any attention, but he felt his throat closing up at the idea of spending any more time in the man's vicinity.

I just want him to go away so I can stop worrying so much about him...

No, that's not true. I genuinely want him to be okay... I wish I could still sense what he was feeling. Even if it's what was making him cry last night.

Conflicted, Reian began to pick at the skin on his thumb, a habit that Xie De always scolded him for. The boy noticed his fidgeting now and frowned, meeting eyes with Reian and shaking his head.

Placing his hands on his knees, Wen Reian tried tuning out the rest of Master Hao and Yi-jun's brief conversation. It ended at once when their Master stood, gesturing for them all to follow.

Wonderful... Reian thought, as long as I'm not alone with Yi-jun for very long. Hopefully A'Yu sticks by me-

Head in the clouds, eyes on the floor, Reian had somehow fallen behind the other two disciples and Master Hao.

Finding himself suddenly staring directly down at very worn boots made from a material he'd never seen before, Reian couldn't help the little shiver that passed through him at the emptiness he felt from the man in front of him. It was as if he was still a statue. Still frozen in time...

Forced to look up by Xie Yi-jun's closeness, Reian was somewhat startled at the strangely serious and forced look in the man's dark eyes.

"I wanted to say thank you for last night. I appreciate... umm... I guess, just thanks."

With a pained smile, Yi-jun abruptly turned. Reian could only have a few moments of recovery from such a strange encounter before Xie De was already calling for him to hurry up.

Will it be this awkward forever? He thought bitterly, the idea already filling him with unease and sadness.

I suppose it makes sense why Xie Yi-jun feels uncomfortable around me. I was supposed to be Jin Songcai. He's probably disappointed... I would be too.

He's probably heartbroken.

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