My eyes find Sevika's, and I try to steel my gaze as much as possible. "I swear to you, I can fight. I want to stand with you, I want to stand against the topside. Please." I say, hoping my words hit a chord with her. Her gun wavers ever so slightly- still trained, but seemingly less threatening. I mirror it, letting my own fall a bit.

In my temporary lapse of judgement, Jinx sees an opportunity. Before I realize it, my own back meets the hard ground. Whatever oxygen I had in my lungs is gone, and the dust permeates my nostrils. My gun is gone, now in the hands of my captor again, though it becomes forgotten as a flying fist meets my cheekbone. My head flies right, then left, then right again as punches land over and over; I struggle against the blue haired menace, quickly realizing by the sharp pain to my ribs that Jinx has me pinned with a knee to the chest. I think I can hear a voice in the background yelling, but my vision fades in and out and my hearing follows suit. It's blurry, so blurry; all I can make out is the outline of Jinx's face and her hair billowing in the wind, her face pinched in anger. The light directly behind her head outlines her in bright yellow light, like an angel from hell.

She looks like an angel.

With a new spur of adrenaline, I roll as hard as I can, switching our positions and pinning her biceps to the ground beneath my knees. My right hand finds Jinx's neck, and I grab it just below her jaw, forcing her head upwards. When I finally gather the courage to look back to Sevika, she just looks on at the fight. She nearly looks amused.

My free hand wipes the blood from my face; after a quick assessment, it feels like at least one black eye and a few splits to my lip, but nothing I haven't handled before. I cough, and then spit a mixture of blood and saliva. It lands in the dust next to Jinx's head, and she scowls up at me.

"I told you I could fight." I say, my voice low in my throat.

Sevika seems to muse to herself, and a laugh at my clearly inaccurate statement follows as she scratches at her short brunette hair for a moment. Finally, she motions with her gun, still pointing at me through the fight.

"Up." She grunts, motioning with her chin as well. I glance down at Jinx; her anger is practically radiating off of her, and she looks like she'll kill me the first chance she has. When I make eye contact with Sevika again, she motions once more.

"Up. Both of you. And if you make one move, Jinx, you're losing an arm just like me."

Jinx only scoffs as I raise myself off of her tentatively, scrambling to my gun, long forgotten on the street.

"Are you kidding me? Why am I getting threatened? Y/N is the one that literally just tried to beat the shit out of me." Jinx spits, her gaze deathly. Sevika only shrugs back at her, unamused, and motions for us to separate. This I do without hesitation, and Jinx gives me one more look before sidestepping as well to leave ample room between us.

After a moment of silence, the older woman speaks. "Fine." She finalizes. She holsters her gun.

"Fine?" I stammer, confusion clear in my tone.

"Fine, you can join us. You've got balls, kid. You might just be a good addition." She pauses, glancing at Jinx and back again. "But if you pull a stunt like that again, I'll kill you myself."

Jinx looks up at her, and they make eye contact. It's eye contact that makes me feel uneasy.

"Or better yet, I'll let Jinx do it."

Holy shit. There's no way I just succeeded in my stupid ass plan.

"Thank you so much, Sevika, I am-"

"Just shut up and walk, kid." She snaps, but a small smile flits across her lips for a mere second before her face turns stone cold again. I'm quick to step in line, following orders, but I keep half an eye on Jinx the entire time. She walks in pace with me, a deep set scowl gracing the thin features of her face, eyeing me like I just murdered her puppy in cold blood. All I can do is let her eyeball me; she did land some damn good punches, I'll give her that. My hand subconsciously finds the point of most pain on my face, a large split angling across my cheekbone. I wince slightly; that one's gonna scar. Even so, I put up a half decent fight against Silco's right hand woman.

When I finally catch her looking at me again, she holds eye contact, and I maintain it, my eyebrow quirking up. She narrows her eyes.

"This is not over, sweet cheeks" She spits quietly, venom dripping from her voice.

"Enough." Sevika throws over her shoulder, and Jinx's words are sealed with one last icy glare before avoiding my eyes for the rest of the walk. The silence lays heavy like a fog over the three of us, and her words reverberate in my mind. This is not over.

And for some reason, I do not doubt her.

I'm The Monster ( Jinx X Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now