Jimin stared at the screen and then scrunched up his face in confusion.

"What?", Yoongi questioned.

"That's weird. It shows him near the Nakdong river. Why would Kook be at the river? And why is his GPS dot moving like that?", the boy flipped the phone around to show Yoongi the screen.

"Wha...what the hell?", the older boy said when he watched the fast moving dot suddenly stop.

"Jimin, we need to hurry.", Yoongi said as he pulled back onto the road, his stomach full of dread.

"How long has it been since you got that message?"

"Ummmm, like eight or nine minutes.", Jimin replied, looking at Yoongi with a worried expression.

"Goddammit.", the elder whispered.

"What? What is it Yoongi?", Jimin said now feeling panic rise up in his chest.

"Jimin, I don't want to jump to conclusions.", is all the man said as he drove his car as fast as it would go towards the location the GPS dot stopped.

Once they were in sync with the location, Yoongi pulled his car to the side of the road and turned his hazard lights on to warn any traffic that he was stopped. There was no where for him to pull off the road completely, but he didn't have time to care. It was late, and the only thing around was the road and the river, and there likely wouldn't be much traffic at this hour.

"Oh my God Yoongi, I can't see anything. Why would Jungkook be here?", Jimin says as he gets out of the car, but the other just ignored his questions and proceeded to turn on the flashlight from his phone and point it around.

It was so dark that the boys couldn't see anything. They could hear the river rushing by, but it looked black as coffee, and they couldn't make out anything other than rips in the currant, illuminated by the moon as clouds passed across.

"Yoongi, why are we here? Why are we here?", Jimin was now screaming to the top of his lungs, his hands fisted in his hair, pacing back and forth on the riverbank.

"Jimin, call 119 now!", Yoongi called out as he ran along side of the river, shining the small light from his phone on anything he could see.

"Why do I need to call 119? Oh God...why...what is it?", Jimin said through sobs.

"Jimin...just fucking call 119 and quit asking questions! NOW!", Yoongi screamed at the other.

Jimin pulled out his phone and dialed the three numbers, while Yoongi disappeared out of sight.

Yoongi didn't even know where to start looking, he just kept sweeping his phone from side to side, trying his best to look through the pitch black waters of the river.

Running as fast as he could, Yoongi began screaming Jungkook's name over and over again, hoping for any sign that the boy was nearby and safe.

Yoongi could hear Jimin shouting the boys name off in the distance. He wasn't sure how far down stream he had ran, but he continued to sweep his light from side to side, wishing to catch a glimpse of anything. Yoongi hoped that he was wrong, he hope that the doe-eyed boy had just gotten mad and threw his phone in the river, he hoped that he was sitting comfortably in some café somewhere having some coffee or in a pub having a beer, brooding over that fucking professor. That's what he hoped...but not what he feared to be true.

In the distance, lights were flashing, and before too long, Yoongi could hear the wail of a siren. Deciding to run back to Jimin so he could help explain to the emergency crew what was going on, Yoongi swept his light one more time, only to see nothing.

By the time Yoongi made it to Jimin, a team of cops and paramedics were making their way down the riverbank with spotlights. Looking over, Yoongi's heart dropped when he spotted his sweet bread-cheeked, crescent eyed boy, completely broken. Grabbing hold of the boy, Yoongi wrapped him in a hug, kissing the top of his head, shushing his sobs.

"Yoongi", Jimin hiccupped out, "I cannot lose him. He is my best friend, my soul mate.", the boy buried his head in Yoongi's chest and cried some more.

Yoongi couldn't say anything to comfort his boyfriend because he wasn't sure that everything would be okay, and despite how much he hoped it wasn't true, he wasn't sure that Jimin hadn't already lost Jungkook.

Just as Yoongi was getting ready to say something comforting to the smaller boy, they both heard whistles sound in the distance.

"What is that?", Jimin said as he jerked his head up at the alerting noise.

"Stay here Jimin okay.", Yoongi said as he placed a kiss on the boys forehead and went toward the sound.

"No! I am coming too!", Jimin said, now completely scared out of his mind.

"No, you are not Jimin. Just stay here. I will come back. Just stay here!", Yoongi said, afraid for what the boy might see if he follows him.

"Fuck you! You can't tell me not to go! That is my best friend!", the boy shouted as he took off running towards the officers.

"Dammit Jimin stop!", Yoongi shouted as he took off after the other.

Running as fast as he could, Jimin could see that there was policemen down in the water. He couldn't make out what was going on, so he ran harder. Coming into view was three officers in the water pulling on what appeared to be a tree that had fallen and gotten dragged down stream by the rivers strong currant.

Jimin felt a quick pang of relief wash over him at the sight of the tree, but then he saw the officer lift something up out of the water and before he knew it, his knees hit the ground just as he felt Yoongi's arms wrap under his own.

The officer lifted Jungkook. The officer lifted his best friend, up out of the water. His soft raven hair stuck to his face, and his beautiful skin, as pale as snow. Jungkook's whole body... his strong and solid body, it was limp, as though he had no bones.

"Why isn't he moving?", Jimin shrieked.

"Why...Yoongi...why isn't he moving?", the boy continued, voice now hoarse and breaking in between his screams.

"Shhhhhh", Yoongi said as he turned Jimin toward him, rocking the small boy, trying to shield him from the scene unfolding before them.

Yoongi pressed Jimin's face into his chest and held him painfully close as he himself watched the officers pull Jungkook's lifeless body up onto the riverbank.

Paramedics rushed by them with a spinal board and an AED, as the officers started doing CPR.

Yoongi couldn't force his eyes to look away. He could feel Jimin's entire body shaking violently against his own, but he couldn't hear any noise. He could only see red and blue flashing lights, the clear beam of the spotlights, and a very beautiful, very dead raven-haired boy laying in the grass in front of him.

***Please don't forget to vote! Love you all...this made me cry.

Peace & Love,


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