"not really." she spoke, causing slight laughter to be heard from the class of freshman. she stood, swaying her body awkwardly as her thumbs were tucked into her back pockets. the teacher gave a look.

"right- well," she started, pulling a hand out of her pocket to place a hand on her chin. "my name is anais higgins." she pointed out her fingers, "but from the looks of it, you lot already knew that."

some students nodded eagerly, how could they not know who she was?

"so much for laying low huh? i uh just moved here, from sydney australia. and i like to play guitar sometimes."

the teacher clapped enthusiastically and some of the class followed suit which was admittedly a bit embarrassing for anais. she smiled awkwardly and gave them a nod.

"does anyone have any questions for anais?"

a lot of hands shot up. mr clarke pointed to one boy with a blonde bowl cut. "when are you releasing new music?"

anais laughed at this, rolling her eyes slightly at the question which made some people laugh. "you can have a seat next to mr sinclair in the back."

a boy with dark skin, black fade haircut and a denim jacket raised his hand. anais folded her lips into a line and walked over, dropping her messenger bag down next to the chair and sitting.

he turned his body towards her. "hi, i'm lucas."

she nodded and gave a slight smile. "i'm anais, you're the only other black kid?"

lucas nodded, leaning back in his chair. "there's not many."

"i wouldn't expect there to be many. the most black i've seen here are the cows on the farms."

this made him let out a laugh. "what brings you to hawkins, ms superstar?"

she scoffed and swiped her tongue across her bottom lip before raking a hand through her black curled hair. her bangs fell into place as she did so before she shook the hair off her shoulders. "change of scenery, change of pace."

lucas nodded at what she said. "fame isn't all its cracked up to be?"

she clicked her tongue. "not one bit, sinclair. not one it."


anais and lucas walked out of the classroom together, chatting like old friends. she stretched her arms up, shirt lifting up and exposing her belly piercings.

"what class do you have next?" lucas asked, ignoring her stretching and piercings.

she put her arms down and reached into her back pocket, pulling out the crumpled schedule. "english."

he kissed his teeth a bit. "geometry."

"i'll see you later sinclair." she spoke. lucas nodded as she dapped him up. anais turned away from him, pulling her headphones that sat idly on her neck back on top her ears and walking down the hall animatedly, she danced a bit- arms swaying in the air to the best of what ever song she listened to. stares followed her down the hallway and he felt a bit bad, after talking with her for 30 minutes he realized she was just a normal teenager like him. rockstar or not.

"who's that?" someone asked, placing a hand on to lucas' shoulder and looking in the direction his gaze followed. the whole hallway murmured and chatted about something in that direction.

"you didn't hear?" lucas asked, turning to his curly headed friend.

"would i be asking if i did?"

lucas scoffed and began walking away from him.

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