UCW High Impact #77

Start from the beginning

3- We see Kazuma on backstage with a mic:

Kazuma: So, Bob thinks he is gonna beat me because he's better than me and that i can't win without help even when acknowledging his bad leg?.
You think you're really funny right?.
May i remind you that you were so good that the last 4 months of that Tag Team Title reign you were replaced by Larry because you and Patrick would have lost the titles without him.
And that is not all oh no, like i told Simon i will tell you, while you may be smart and what not and not so immature anymore even if you do like to have fun, i am a combat pragmatist who is not afraid to pull out all the stops and considering that, i'd say i am capable of winning without Mori's help which essentially screws you over since even if you say that you can beat me because of the ways we won our titles essentially showing you're better than me...you're not.
Because I at least have him interfere sometimes whereas throughout your reign and even when you won the belt you were helped a lot by Patrick since one can't win tag team matches on their own AND you also were facing a disfunctional duo in Gray and Natsu so you literally got lucky your partner was Patrick and that you were facing two people who do not get along at the same time since otherwise you wouldn't have won the titles.
Point in case Spongebob, you are nowhere near as good as you say you are and come Episode 79, i'm gonna prove it as i retain my title.

*The segment ends with Kazuma smirking alongside Mori before lifting his Cruiserweight Championship and leaving*

4- Mad Leomon vs Waluigi:
The purposes of this match were:
-To show how while Mad Leomon was being as per last weeks more resistant than usually, since this was the second match between them Waluigi by now had learned how to fight against Leomon somewhat and thus what seemed like a 75/25 situation didn't get past 60/40 in Leomon's favor as he was still a problem but his opponent was learning from their previous encounter and how Leomon resorted a lot on strength moves alongside punches and kicks so he went after the arms to nullify the first two ways of offense and tip the match in his favor slowly but surely to a point where Waluigi had an 80/20 edge against Leomon who was hanging on just due to being too damn resistant and still having his kicks as weapons which even then didn't help him that much when Waluigi had more range than him at it.
-To show how Renamon played a vital role in this match by distracting the ref so Leomon did something he had never done not even before this current phase of his: CHEAT. He at times would grab steel objects or even a camera to hit Waluigi to try and score a W only for Wario to screw that up by putting Waluigi's foot on the ropes to stop the counts and then tempt Leomon to go after him only for that to give Waluigi a chance to get back in the match or recover enough to not lose if Leomon tried to pin him after the distraction.
-To show how as the longer the match went something was feeling off about Leomon, for once he was insecure about getting the W after he had tried a punch and hurt himself in the process and then tried the F5 but Waluigi easily avoided it which left him with kicks which as stated early Waluigi beat him at due to range so that left him pretty much useless and forced him to instantly take advantage of the openings Renamon gave him to cheat (A LOT) due to his insecurities striking him badly and this left Renamon a bit confused.
In the end, Renamon pulled the ref out of the ring so Leomon could low blow Waluigi and then hit him with a steel chair before F5ing him just in case (which showed how insecure he was) and covering him to get the victory.

5- After the match, we see Mad Leomon pacing around in the ring trying to calm himself down while repeating he was strong over and over again...till Kirito came to the stage to utter the next words:

Kirito: Congratulations big cat, you just showed to us and everyone that you are nothing more than an insecure bully who when met with resistance will resort to cheating.
Honestly, i was at first a bit threatened by you being in our match but after this "showcase" of your talents, i am actually glad because it means that i now have the perfect target to pin to win that title in you.
Because i may not be as big or fear indicing by appearance as you are but i sure as hell am not insecure about my strength and that will cost you as i pin you to become UCW World Champion!

*Now we see Seiji appearing from behind Mad Leomon to assault him to the cheers of the crowd before Kirito comes running to crash the party seemingly...till he joins on the beatdown of Seiji as the two conclude it (while Renamon watches without doing anything since she doesn't like Leomon) with a DRH/DDT combo before proceeding to look at each other (after Seiji was gloating about taking out someone like Leomon) and Kirito says the next thing:

Kirito: Ehem, you seem to forget that WE took him out, not just you.

Seiji: Uhhhh, yes but i did most of the work though since you took a bit before joining in on the attack.

Kirito: Yet who finished him off?. You and me and by the actuality of it I finished him off and not you if we wanna play by your rules.

Seiji: Kirito, shut the hell up before i kick your ass and accept that I took out Mad Leomon or did most of the job.

Kirito: Oh sure, i will do that Mr. Triple M.

Seiji: The hell do you mean by that?.

Kirito: I mean that you are Mr. Mirror Mad Leomon. Because if anything, this has taught me that not just Mad Leomon has insecurites relating his strength not being useful to him but so do you because think about it, the moment you lost to Leomon you blamed it on anyone but yourself because you were tired and noe you come out of nowhere to attack him but not to send a message but rather to calm yourself down and prove your strength is enough and yet it wasn't huh?.
So you're even more insecure now because you have to share the fact that you needed your strength AND MINE to take a tired Mad Leomon out.

*Seiji at this point is just silent and showing actually the same signs of insecurity of Mad Leomon as he repeats to himself that he's strong*

Kirito: See ladies and gentlemen?. Your Mad Dog that held the IC Title for a year is nothing more than a insecure bitch!

*Here we see Seiji snapping and jumping Kirito before the two start brawling as then Klein and Agil come running down to the ring and a 3 on 1 beatdown ensures (all this while Mad Leomon has been removed of the ring by Renamon who just looks down on him with a smirk) till Elias comes running down to the ring to save the day with his trusty guitar and the trio actually retreat albeit Kirito just says that their job was done and that was why they retreated since they know that with number's game anything is doable. Then Elias comes to help Seiji and barely dodges a sudden DRH before Seiji plumets to the floor in a bit of panic as Elias looks around at the chaos and just leaves the ring while being booed by the crowd as they have realized that Elias is open to making sure that the next owner of his star in the World Title was a rightful one but that did not mean his methods were the correct ones.*

6- Non-Title match: Shovel Knight vs Patrick:
The purpose of this match was to show:
-How the match even despite being in Patrick's favor it was only 60/40 since SK was out to prove that he deserved the title and could retain it without any help and this made him use any trick and resource possible to try and get the W over Patrick.
-To show how the reason why Patrick was still in the lead was because he was in a foul mood due to seeing Spongebob attacked twice on consecutive weeks on his recovered leg and this made him be harsher than usually (somehow) and thus still be on control of the match.
-To add onto this we also saw how Patrick was trying to win since after seeing how Mad Leomon was on a pathetic state and that their opponents strategy circled around him pretty much then him getting a W could pretty much put ML in an even worse mental condition with his insecurities and thus give them even more chances at regaining the titles and he was not gonna miss on that chance.
This caused the lead to expand to 70/30.
In the end, a Star Slam got Patrick the clean victory.
After the match, we see Patrick and Larry grabbing a mic to just say:

Patrick: Hey Digimon, not so confident you're gonna win now after how your ace player is not well enough to be as dangerous as he was in our match.

Larry: And with us this time knowing how to deal with you both that means our victory is assured!.
We'll see you next week where you will get a first class seat to watch us become the first TWO time UCW Tag Team Champions!

The show ends with the crowd mixed reacting since they did not like the Bikini Bottomers but they did like the chances of Digimon and specially Mad Leomon getting full comeuppance by losing those titles to the people they took them from.

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