While you where putting your old pair of clothing in your dirty clothes bin your phone vibrated on your nightstand catching your attention. Walking over to your phone you saw it was a message from Mikey.

Despite the sickness you where feeling a smile found it's way to your face.

Manjiro💕: Open up.

Your smile faltered a little and was replaced with a confused look as you read the message. 'What does he mean open u- what a minute!'

Quickly making your way to your front door you opened it up to see your one and only standing before you with a bag in his hand. It wasn't unusual for Mikey to come over but usually he had told you before hand.

"What are you doing here?" You aksed as you stepped to the side to let him in. "Emma said that you said you weren't feeling well" he replied. 'Of course she did' You thought to yourself.

"I brought soup" Mikey said as he carefully lifted the bag and set it on the table. "You didn't have t-" your words where cut off as Mikey spoke over you.

"I did. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you alone sick and defenseless" Mikey said.

"I'm not gonna die from a small cold Mikey and I'm not defenseless" you huffed out to him but he only ignored you while grabbing a bowl and spoon for your soup.

You could feel yourself feeling sicker by the second as you stood next to Mikey who was pouring the soup into a bowl.

"Go lay down I'll bring you the soup in a second" he smiled at you and placed a small kiss on the top of your nose.

You knew that you couldn't convince him that you where fine so you just listened to him and went back to your room and sat down on your bed. Seconds later Mikey entered with your food.

Sitting it down on your nightstand he sat down next to you on the bed and lifted a hand to your forehead to feel it. A scowling expression made its way to his face as he felt how hot you where.

"Why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Mikey softly asked you. "It only started today Mikey" you started. "And if I really am sick you shouldn't be this close to me, you could also get sick"

Mikey ignored you last comment about you also getting him sick. He didn't care. As long as he was taking care of you he didn't mind.

As you began to reach for the soup Mikey gently swatted your hands away and picked up the bowl in his own hands. "Mikey I can-" "no you can't" he said with a smile. You knew he was about to feed you instead of letting you do it yourself.

As he scooped a little bit of warm soup onto the spoon he brought it closer to you and waited for you to take it. "This is embarrassing" you sighed out but Mikey only smiled thinking about how cute you looked, even when your sick.

Finally you gave in as you let him spoon heed you like a mother to there young child. After you had finished all that you could if the soup Mikey stood from your bed and took the dishes to your kitchen and set them in the sink. 'I'll wash those later' mikey thought to himself as he walked back to your room.

Making his way over to the side of the bed that wasn't occupied by you, he lifted the blankets a little to sit next to you in the bed. "Mikey your gonna get sick" you said to him.

Once again he didn't listen as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you a little closer to him. "Rest" was all he said before me gently started to draw small patterns onto your arm.

"I love you Y/N" Mikey's soft voice said from behind you. Smiling softly you rolled over to face him. "I love you to, Manjiro" you sweetly said before cuddling closer to him and falling asleep.

You had to admit that you felt warm and safe in his arms. You felt like you could sleep for hours like this and thankfully soon after y'all both laid down you did. It was the first bit of decent sleep you had gotten at all in the past 24 hours.

Mikey stayed holding you all day long as he also feel asleep. The both of you wrapped in each other's embrace as you both slept the day away. 

Later in the evening when you both woke up Mikey also started feeling sick so you both had to call Draken and Emma to take care of y'all.


Short little 3k special!! I hope y'all like it and sorry if you don't!

It's a little bit rushed since I was kind of excited to write it😅

Once again I'd just like to thank all of you guys for 3k reads on this story! I wasn't expecting it to get this much attention and I know that there are so many other story with so much more reads but this is enough for me!!

Anyways make sure you stay hydrated, eat something, rest well and keep on doing your best lovelies!! <3

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