124. Bring To Light

Start from the beginning

Let's get back to Mora's case. She has a blood lust and does not feel remorse over whichever means she feeds that lust. I'd say she isn't afraid to be around dead bodies infact, her cutting into the dead skin of a corpse in search of blood is a mood booster. She enjoys slow death too since as per the report, she prefers to creat some form of connection with her 'spesimens' before elimination. Keep in mind a psycopath does not go about looking for violence. This is what would differenciate Mora from people who violently lust for blood or death. She is precise in her actions and isn't compelled to kill first but appears to be more interested in the cause of death, even if a body is going into shock. If she were a regular blood thirsty individual, she'd have eliminated her brother a long time ago.

Mora is what I'd call a neurotypical psycopath. Her attachent to blood has no affiliation with violence, rather an interest in death. Her decision to eliminate her subjects is because she chooses to and since she lacks empathy, her imaginary attachment to her specimens die as soon as she eliminates them. She appears to be in search of connection, perhaps a lesson from her father to adapt in the society by forming attachments with people or things.

Mora also appears to habour some form of sadness within her that she doesn't understand. She tries to hide it though. This sadness may have been birthed from loneliness. If I were to compare her to her father, her father being a highly functioning psycopath, Mora's is more dangerous. She can go nuclear at any moment. Her father might have thought he'd successfully train her however, he was the wrong person to handle her psychopathy since she formed an attachment with her father, who gives her none, and this created a void in her.

 She may have probably tried to replace that loss through her mother or brother among other people or things, but they wouldn't quite fit in. As she grew with that glitch, it became too big a problem for even her father to handle, and since her father is a psychopath just like herself, he couldn't care less.

A highly functioning psychopath has good impulse control. They only cause harm that is beneficial to them in some way. For Mora, she could harm anything and anyone because she is bored from being lonely.

I'll play a video of her in her interview when she was ten years of age." The doctor stood up, feeling like she'd been talking alone for the longest time in the presence of five people infront of her, two of them a couple and Elric's mother sitting beside them.

"What do you normally think about Mora?

"If you really knew, you'd run away as soon as conceivably possible."

"This shows the presence of a glitch in her psychopathy." The doctor pointed out then pressed on play.

"Why are you fascinated by blood?"

"Blood is blood."

"As you can see, it's already a challenge getting through to her even for a trained professional as opposed to her father whose answers would probably be straight forward.

"Are you aware of your condition?"

"Of course. My parents made it clear long ago that I'm unique and evolved. My brother treats me normally and I like that. It shows I'm blending well enough."

"Do you get cravings to cause harm, or it's just particularly blood lust?"

"I have no intention of killing anyone. They just die from pain. It is no fault of their own that they are weak to pain."

"You can see clearly she has harbors no remorse for her actions. She doesn't act out from loosing her temper. Infact, she carries out her hobbies as her brother stated, very calmly with a sound mind. She has been trained to not harm her family...well, that was in the past but the Mora we know now has caused her brother more harm for three years."

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