"The fuck, mate?" Michael questioned as Ellie began cackling.

"Looks like you owe a dollar to your douchebag jar." She says, smiling.

I roll my eyes as Calum raises a brow. "Douchebag jar?"

"She made it for me because I wouldn't stop saying douchey things. So now I gotta put in money whenever I slip up."

He shrugged. "Sounds like a good way for you to save money."

"Shut up, dick," I scoff. Before we could carry on with the rest of the conversation, I'm being tapped on the arm. Turning my head, I notice a girl standing there with a flirtatious smile on her face and a sharpie in her hand. She had two giggling friends standing behind her and whispering to one another.

"What's up?"

"Can I get your autograph?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows, glancing at Mikey and Calum before she lifts her shirt exposing her large breasts in a bra that was a few sizes too small. Our eyes all widened in surprise as she did so but grabbed the marker and began signing away. I couldn't help but notice the discomfort on Ellie's face as this partook in front of her, but what was I supposed to do? Turn the opportunity down?

"So, are you guys going to the after party?" Calum asks, clearly an attempt to get laid. I had a different approach to getting laid, but these girls weren't my type. I didn't take girls to bed who seemed desperate. I liked the ones who didn't talk very much and let me pick them. I wanted to be in the lead. If a girl came up to me, I felt as though they were choosing to bed me for the night. Although, sometimes I was just looking for an easy girl to bed, so I suppose I had no room to judge.

"Only if he's gonna be there." One of them said, their finger pointing to me. I looked at her and flashed a friendly smile. Nothing that would show I'm too interested. She'd be my last resort. Instead of responding, I turn to Ellie.

"You ready to go?" She already seemed relieved by my question, but as soon as music began playing on stage, her attention was focused on that.

"Wait, I wanna see them perform."

I rolled my eyes. "They're not even that good."

"Shh!" She hushed, slapping my arm a few times as the people on stage began singing. Of course it was Tristan's group. I narrowed my eyes at the stage as they performed, already nit picking them.

"M-m-m-m-m-my, more than meets the eye. To tell the truth would be a lie, saw her out on Friday night; misunderstood." For some reason, the lyrics the front-man was saying didn't seem like they were coming from his own thoughts; like someone else wrote the song. As soon as the thought hit my mind, I spotted Tristan on the drums and his eyes were glued to Ellie, a smirk evident on his face. "She's ballin' for a guy, that cigarette it needs a light. Pluck up the courage and invite her nowhere good."

His lips went up to the mic as he began the next verse, "cause' I need this more than just a one night stand. Need that honey when she holds my hand. Times like this, they call for true romance, but she's not ready for that."

Then all four of them began, "she let's me down, then gets me high.

Oh, I don't know why she's just my type.

She's my device, I don't think twice.

Oh, I don't know why, she's what I like.

But I-I-I love it, I-I-I love it

Love the way she plays with my head."

Fuck, they're good. Girls were swooning in the crowd over the tone in their song. Hell, even our instructor of the class seemed to have an eargasm. I groaned aloud causing Ellie to look at me, furrowing her eyebrows. And fuck, she looks good right now. 

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