A line formed behind Prince Fang as he stomped down the hall. When they reached the nests, he sat and started grumbling.

He stayed that way until two of the three thief dragons appeared, dragging a giant metal box behind them. Prince Fang didn't bother asking what happened to the third dragon. The blood-stained hides and teeth of the other two made it obvious enough.

"Any problems?" Prince Fang hissed. The two surviving dragons shared a sly smile, then shook their heads. "It was as easy as feasting" one of them laughed.

"Good. Now get out!"

The bloody reptiles jumped as the order rang out, then quickly turned around and ran out. Prince Fang let out a snarl after them.

"Open the box" He flicked his tail at the box and several dragons hopped on it. A few minutes passed and the box started to groan. The dragons fled off as the metal container collapsed.

Dust blew up, covering the whole room. Prince Fang growled. A spark appeared from his lips, and ignited the dust. The fire spread until the whole room was ablaze.

Just as quickly as it spread, it disappeared, leaving ash in its wake. A dragon squinted, trying to see through the grey. A flash of color caught it's eye.

Metallic gold flashed again, this time followed by a huge gust of wind. Dragons staggered, unprepared for the strong gale. One even fell over.

"Finally" a voice crowed. The voice belonged to Prince Fang. He stood proudly, slowly flexing his new wings.

They had metal feathers that were silver on the underside, but sparkled with gold on the top. There were no visible weapons, but Prince Fang knew of some machine guns cleverly hidden among the feather.

"Those scientists were pretty smart before Borminerf- No! They were all dumb" Prince Fang thought as he examined his new wings.

He cast a cruel smile at the dumb-struck dragons watching. "Now we can leave" he grinned. He pointed at a random dragon in the crowd with his wing.

Pausing a moment to admire the way it shimmered in the light, he hissed "You! Start making preparations" The dragon bowed then hurried away.
3rd P.O.V

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bethany shot out of bed. She fumbled for her crowbar while staggering out of bed. Her glasses, previously resting on the nightstand next to her bed, appeared on her face.

This was normal.

She flung open her door and rushed downstairs. Gertrude's door flashed as Gertrude hurried down as well. There was already a crowd at the door by the time Bethany got there.

"Make room! Get outta my way!" Bethany caught glimpses of Jordan as he shoved his way to the front. "Excuse me" Bethany slide her way to the front, barely squeezing by Papa Acachalla.

She reached the front as Venturian swung open the grey door. The small room was once again splashed in crimson. However, this time only one body rested in the middle of the room.

Vent sidled in the room, followed closely by Johnny Ghost and Toast. They carefully approached the dead carcass. Jordan kicked it, with his right leg, Bethany noted. Toast poked it from the other side.

Papa joined them. He pulled out Annie-bell and blasted at it's head. "What?" Papa exclaimed, seeing the strange looks "Now we know its dead for sure!" Gertrude sighed at her husband.

There was an explosion sound from the dragon, and the four jumped back. "What was that!" Venturian asked as he scrambled back. "It farted!" Billy cackled.

"The dragon did?!"

"Yeah. All bodies can do tha-Maddie-Friend!!! " Billy ducked, dodging a flying ginger. There were some chuckles as Billy tried to scramble away.

"Guys! This dragon has something on it!" Ghost called. Jordan walked towards the dragon's feet, where Ghost was examining an small cylinder container.


"No" Ghost undid the straps holding it in place "It doesn't smell chemically, and frankly, it isn't big enough"

Toast joined them, followed by Papa. Bethany lost sight of the container as the four men crowded around it. Gertrude sighed "Since we are already up, who wants breakfast?"

Several people confirmed their desire to eat and Gertrude lead a huge herd to the kitchen. Bethany, Cierra, Isaac, and Maxwell stayed behind to watch the ones in the grey room.

Isaac trotted inside the room, followed closely by Maxwell and Cierra. There was a snapping sound, followed by hissing as air released. "There is a message inside" Ghost stated.

He reached inside and pulled out an piece of paper. Ghost unfolded it, smoothing out the fold creases. It was ugly paper, with ragged edges, like it was ripped out of something.

Which it was.

"It says Borminerf plans to leave tomorrow, I hate you, but I hate him even more. Destroy him for me -Prince Fang" Ghost read.

"Ookaay" Isaac blinked "That was..... just woah" Toast and Vent both nodded. Ghost stared at the barely readable writing "Tomorrow. We better get ready then"

Venturian nodded. "Do we just leave this then?" Goomba asked, motioning to the mess.

"Yes. If he is leaving tomorrow then we really need to kick into gear" Jordan strode out of the room. The other came behind him.

"Hey!" he yelled at the mass eating food "Hurry up! We need to be ready to do this tomorrow! Gertrude, make me something fast to eat and make"

She nodded and turned to the stove. Everyone else started to shove their faces, wanting to ask questions, but knowing that if Ven said it, they really did need to do it.

Yes I am back with a hopefully longer chapter! Before I say anything else, I am sorry.

I should have kept writing, but I lost complete interest in Wattpad and my iPod in general. I didn't pick it up for a solid month. Main reason is because I have discovered Anime and Manga.

My parents probably think I'm addicted to my phone, but no. Just reading Manga.

Sad news. This is one of the last chapters. There will be three more at the most. But, I'm planning on a second.

So, to make up for my absence, I am holding a Cover-Making Contest! Yay! If you are interested, then make cover! Winner will get the book dedicated to them!

Get them to me anyway you can. I will be making an E-mail account, so you can go ahead and send it to theorbess540@gmail.com, or if you just want to chat.

Be warned though. I hardly ever get on any E-mail.

I forgot. The name of the book is very important. I was thinking Mod In Real Life. Not complicated, yet not stupid either. Tell me if you agree or not. I'll happily take suggestions as well.




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