I Dont Need Saving

Start from the beginning

The whistle blew and Scott grabbed the ball and Brett headed straight for Kira knocking her down. The ball was passed over to me and that's when I passed it over to Stiles.

Who ran panting already tired. Oh come on you ran for two seconds!

I turned back over to see Kira raise her lacrosse stick at Brett smacking it against his helmet managing to knock him to the ground.

She got sent of the field and Liam and I made our way to Brett on the ground. "That was perfects thanks dude." Liam said and I don't think that's the plan Brett was hoping for.

"Need help getting up preppy?" I asked staring down at him and he was still mad at me for getting mad at him earlier. "I would say yeah but I can't cause I'm still mad at you."

He sat up and I let out a small sigh looking down at him and he still couldn't talk to me. "Come on preppy-"

"Let's finish the game." Brett said cutting me of so I couldn't say anything else. He knows that if I talk any longer he can't help but give in and forgive me. He lacks stubborn. Something I have to much of.

We carried on playing the game, but god damn we were awfully bad. We scored one goal. Liam currently had the hall whizzing past until he got completely attacked by a dude who was a whole foot taller than him.

Brett managed to take the ball and I was to busy worried about Liam. I ran over to Liam and Scott ran along with me.

"You okay?" I asked him helping him up and I think he broke his thumb or wrist as he was groaning in pain.

"We're getting crushed." Liam said and I nodded along. "Yeah well they're all really good. And we're also crap and out of practice. Not a good combination." I rambled on.

"It's okay. All we need to do is giving the others enough time. No one's getting hurt." Scott stopped for a second and then looked at Liam in pain. "Except for us."

"Here let me pop that back in for you." I offered and Liam nodded taking his thumb of as I saw his dislocated thumb but our attention was then drawn to Scott.

"Scotty you good?" I asked and he shook his head. "It's Kira." He said with concern on in his eyes. "Go. I'll start the next round." I assured him and he nodded running of.

I looked back down at Liams thumb and he still looked to be in pain. "Gonna countdown." I told him to give him a heads up.

"On three. One, two-" and I cracked it back in place as he screamed out and I rolled my eyes at him. "Shut up you baby."

"You said on three!" He moaned out and I just slapped the side of his head. "You've dealt with worse. Suck it up baby face."

After playing another awful round the referee finally called half time and that's when I could finally gulp down as much water as I could. God in so exhausted I think I could drop dead and use the dirt as blanket. In other words, bury me already.

"We need more time. You guys gotta stop scoring." Lima joined up with Brett and I walked behind the two idiots.

"You don't think I'm trying. You guys suck, you guys suck so much it's impossible to lose against you." Brett told him using his annoyed tone and I couldn't help but laugh under my breath. He wasn't lying though. We sucked.

"Okay well what should we do?" Liam asked him. "Try not sucking."

Brett walked of to his side of the team and I joined Liam gulping down my water. "Your boyfriends a douche." Liam commented and I spat a little of my water out.

"Yeah but he's also hot." Before Liam could deny the truth that's when Hayden approached us with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm just gonna-"
"Just go." I told Liam as he walked over to Hayden and I couldn't help but stare over at Brett who still seemed angry. But I don't get why he was so angry. Annoyed I understand, but not angry.

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