chapter eleven: the world of charlie barber

Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath, you managed to flip the Charlie switch off just enough to get through your test. You didn't think about the way he held onto you or the way his lips felt against yours. You focused only on the questions below, quickly picking out the answers.

It didn't take long for him to reenter your mind after you were finished, walking out of the building and into the chill-filled air.

While you parked yourself underneath one of the trees around campus, you could feel your phone buzzing in your back pocket. Leaning back against the tree, you pulled your phone out to see Charlie's name plastered across your screen.

"Hello?" You answered quickly, looking around to make sure no one caught glimpse of his name.

"How'd your test go?" His voice was hushed, hearing it for the first time since he said goodbye to you on Friday night.

"I think it went well." You huffed out a breath, hoping to get rid of some of the nerves you were experiencing. You could hear him rustling through some papers while you were curious to find the reason behind the phone call.

"And you have some free time before my class starts, isn't that correct?" You looked around again, your teeth sinking into your lip. Thankfully the wind picked up, cooling you down as you listened to the smirk clinging onto his lips.

"That is correct." You released your lip from your teeth's grip, hearing his hum filling into your ear. It didn't matter how much wind blew on you now, the heat was spreading around you and fast.

"Well, why don't you make your way over to my office then." Your name fell from his lips, a demand instead of a request.

You wanted to refuse, fear taking over you where you stood. You watched students passing by you, the tree branches rustling with the wind. You wouldn't... You couldn't...

"I'll be right there." Those words left your lips before you could finish the argument in your head.

"Don't keep me waiting, sweetheart."

That was the last thing you heard before he ended the call, leaving you dumbfounded. Running your hand over your hair, you took a deep breath in before you started your journey towards him.

You had to stop yourself from practically sprinting there, trying to look inconspicuous as you made your way across campus. Hiding your excitement, you didn't know if things would be different from now on. You haven't heard or seen Charlie since he drove you home, making sure you made it inside before he drove off.

You were scared to reach out, not wanting to make a fool out of yourself. What if you were stuck thinking about him all weekend while he didn't think about you once? What if he got you out of his system while you were desperate to hang on?

With those questions swarming around like a stormcloud in your head, you found yourself outside his door, noting a wooden nameplate hung across the door. It spelled out the name you couldn't stop thinking about, inhaling a breath as you gathered enough courage to knock.

It didn't take long for him to answer the door, those green-rimmed eyes staring down at you as soon as the door swung open. He lost eye contact with you, turning his head side to side. It was only a second before he made sure no one was in your immediate surroundings before his hand snaked around your wrist.

With a satisfied grunt, he tugged you inside before quickly locking the door behind you.

You had a hard time keeping up, his hands now peeling the book bag from your shoulder. Dropping it onto the ground, you could hear his teeth grinding against each other while he continued to guide you around his office. Before you knew it, you were behind his desk.

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