6 | Shake The Frost { Part One }

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Naomi could get used to waking up like this. Although the couch did her back no good, she was extremely fond of the pair of arms tightly wrapped around her frame. She stirred slightly, the ache in her back had dulled to a slight soreness. Kayce was still asleep, somehow he'd managed to situate them throughout the night to where the two of them were intertwined, he'd fallen asleep behind her on the couch and his arms were wrapped around her waist.

She twisted in his arms to where she was facing him, his eyes were still closed and stray locks of hair draped over his face. She smiled to herself and gingerly brushed the hairs away. She watched him for a moment until she realized the corners of his lips were lifting into a slight smirk.

"How long you plannin' on watchin' me sleep, darlin'?" His voice was laced with sleep as his eyes slowly opened to see her. She rolled her eyes as she continued to tuck his stray hair behind his ears to fully reveal his face. She said nothing and let her hand drift to his beard, which had grown a little too long for her liking.

"You need to shave." She said softly.

"Too scratchy for you?" He asked jokingly, adjusting his grip around her waist so they weren't so close to each other anymore.


He shook his head and she began to worm herself out of his grasp, causing him to frown. She sat on the edge of the couch and slowly stood. He situated himself and sat up, looking up at her as she stood before him, the look on his face resembling one of longing. He reached out and gripped the backs of her thighs. She sighed softly and ran her fingers through his hair, watching as his eyes closed for a moment, melting into her touch.

"Stay.." He murmured.

Every bone in her body told her to get back on that couch with him but she knew they both had to get to work for the day, even if it was on the property.

"I wish. You gotta get up and get the day started, I'm sure all the wranglers are down there waiting for you to go boss them around." She said jokingly. His expression faltered for a moment and he looked down at the ground.

Naomi frowned and placed her hands on his cheeks, pulling his gaze back up to her. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know if what I'm doin' here is the right thing. Workin' for my father again, its just... this place is all I have to give Tate. I gotta protect it and this is the only way I can." He sighed, letting go of her and bringing himself to his feet.

It was her turn to look up at him now. "You're doing the right thing Kayce. Your father... you know he has his ways, but you have yours. You gotta do things his way for a while but I have no doubt that once you've been doing this for a while.. you can do it your way. The ethical way." She spoke.

"But is there ever an ethical way to run this place when everything about it is just... evil?"

"This place isn't evil. Your father isn't evil. Most of all, you are not evil." She reassured him.

His expression softened as he placed a hand on the side of her face, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you." He mused before releasing her. "But you are right, we gotta get going before that bunch decides to do whatever the fuck they want." He sighed.

She nodded. "If we're gonna keep having these little slumber parties you need to remind me to at least bring a change of clothes. I don't know how you were able to sleep next to me. I reek." She joked.

"Yeah, it was pretty rough." He laughed and she playfully smacked his arm.

"Fuck you and everything you stand for." She said jokingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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