Tonight We Strike

Start from the beginning

"I just...wanted to talk a little." He murmured, staring at the ground. A small twinge of guilt struck her heart but she smothered it down. She shouldn't feel guilty, he was the one who made the mistakes.

"About what? How you made an illusion of my dead mom to use against me in training?" She sneered, a bit of her old anger returned and she couldn't help but feel somewhat satisfied after seeing him flinch again.

"That wasn't on purpose..." He murmured, "It was an accident..."

"An accident? Once I could believe it but you've done the same thing to others countless how many times now?" She shot back, glaring at him.

"I..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say. So Chaos took that as her cue to leave.

"Wait!" She groaned and spun around.


"I just feel like we should at about it before...y'know."

She crossed her arms, "Again, what is there to talk about?

"I just..." He looked away, and his voice suddenly became very shaky. "T-thought it might be a good idea to maybe settle it now, in case we d-don't...see each other again..."

Chaos's world froze.

And suddenly, it occurred to her just how young the person in front of her was. Created only a few months back, he was now diving headfirst into the largest battle the multiverse had seen.

A young child, standing in the midst of a situation where forces far beyond their control shake their world. She hated how familiar that sounded.

She also hated how she knew she couldn't ignore this any longer.

"Look at me." She commanded, Chasm flinched lightly, but ultimately complied. He almost took a step back, seeing the fierce yet determined glare on her face.

"Listen. When we get back, we are going to be talking about this. Preferably, with an actually reasonable adult in the room."

She looked at him directly for a moment. "But to do so, we need to be alive. So you do your darn hardest to stay alive, and I'll do mine. Alright?"

He seemed stunned at her words, but then, nodded. Not with as much confidence as her, but there was determination there too.


And with that, Chaos left the room.


"Y'know, it's a shame it has to come down to this," Lycoris murmured, staring at the massive AU in front of her. "I've heard tales of how beautiful this place was. A masterpiece truly."

"Mhm...this place is a sanctuary...for so many people..." Harriet murmured quietly, memories of their moments within the Omega Timeline came to mind. Smiles, laughter, and the safety that was so treasured there. They briefly had contemplated going in there one last time, but just couldn't bring themselves to.

They wouldn't be able to face any of the residents.

Chance was quiet, contemplating something before sighing. "As bad as it may be, remember, none of these people would ever have to suffer if Ink simply listened to reason. The Council only has themselves to blame for this."

"Quite right you are."

Reapertale Gaster appeared from a purple mist, behind them Sally finished working on the Force Field Projectors, alongside a few other Gasters. "Rest assured, the dead will be given their proper dues."

"It's the least they deserve." Chance agreed, his words were not only acknowledgment but a promise, a promise of pain should the Gasters refuse to pay respects to the ones living in the Omega Timeline once this all blows over.

Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wrath- A Forced God Of Destruction Error StoryWhere stories live. Discover now