38 Missed This All (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Ranbir : u

Saying this he take water and throw at misti but it fell on shahana

Shahana get angry, ranbir made sorry face, everyone laughing that time riya, and other's come there (expert prachi)

Shahana : u ranbir i will not leave you

Shahana saying this take one jug of water and come to ranbir ranbir start to run shahana also start to run that prachi was coming ranbir and prachi bloom prachi about to fell but our hero catch her and had a eye lock  shahana throw full water on pranbir, prachi get back to reality prachi was so angry now

Now prachi, shahana start put a water fight

All are enjoying this and all in mind think
Missed this all...


In hall everyone are there

Prachi phone ring
Prachi attend the call

Prachi : hello

             : hello mam

Prachi :   yes ali

Ali : mam u told me to remind one thing

Prachi : what is it

Ali : mam ranbir sir training

Prachi stand up
Everyone confused

Prachi : ooh thank you but when we have to leave

Ali : mam after three days

Prachi : ok remind this day after tomorrow

Ali : ok mam

Prachi : ok bye

Ali : ok mam

Call end

Pragya : what happened prachi your looking sad

Prachi look at ranbir

Ranbir also noticed this

Ranbir : what ali said prachi

Prachi take deep breath and say

After three days we have to leave for training

All get sad but not ranbir

Ranbir clamy say

I know that so we have two leave

Prachi was shock because ranbir was so clam

Ranbir see everyone are sad

Ranbir : yay guys i think you all remember that tomorrow something special

Aarvu : i know that

Abhi : what was so special tomorrow

Aarvu : dad tomorrow

Aarvu, prachi, kia, sunny, riya, shahana, aryan, misti, and sid shout

Angle's birthday

Abhi : so tomorrow we have party

Roshini : no uncle i wish tomorrow we all go for a picnic i dot want any party

Abhi : so ok let's go picnic tomorrow

Ranbir : but guys i have one idea

Vikram : ooh my smart son got one idea

Ranbir : dad

Abhi : stop it, now ranbir you tell me what is it

Ranbir : can we go to your farm house because that farm house was located in deep forest it will be superb if we go there

Abhi : great idea, but we want roshini opinion

Roshini : i love to go to deep forest like tracking

Ranbir : yeah you got it

Abhi : so you all are ok with this right

All : s

Abhi : then start to pack, tomorrow 4.00am we are leaving

All : ok

Then leave to they're rooms

---------(i am so bored, i think you all are also so let's do something interesting)

Panic want well and roshini birthday finished

Now time  leave for the training

All family members are so sad

Ranbir : guys what is this i am just going for my training i will be back as soon as possible

Aryan : we know that ranbir but

Ranbir : no buts and ifs ok now listen guys, why  are u all sad i am going you all have to send off be with your bright faces

Prachi : yay guys your bright and happy face will give energy for ranbir

Ranbir : and now here our now member of the family our rehan was there exactly looking like me and you can all think rehan as me and yay he will also try to behave like me not like me but will be good he promised me

Rehan : but bro now only are start to talk and etc but you are leaving

Ranbir : ooh i am done with you guys no more talks i am leaving i will call you all when we reach there

Aryan : please can we come with you

Prachi : sorry aryan u cannot

Ranbir : ok guys bye everyone take care of your health and u all will see a new ranbir next time

All are sad

Pranbir leave


I know this is so boring

I promise you guys that i will  give a very super bopper update soon

You all will like that i hope

I will not say hope u like this update because i know this update was so so so boring

Thank you



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