He can hear the sound of Daniel and Adeline quietly bickering before he even gets to the door, and upon opening it, Travis is met with quite a sight.

Adeline lays on her back on the floor, with her knees bent and heels resting a few inches from her backside, with her arms stretched up while Daniel stands above her. He has his feet on top of hers, and is leaning down towards her, both his arms also extended and his hands curved around the girls elbows as he gently raises her upper body from the ground, then lowers it back down moments later.

''I'm sure Lily would have a fit if she caught you doing that'' Travis pipes up, a tiny smirk toying at the edge of his lips when he sees Adeline and Daniel both flinching at the abrupt sound.

''You scared the shit out of me!'' Daniel says, a breathy chuckle escaping his mouth when he turns his head to look at the boy in the doorway. ''And don't even! I've been trying to tell her that but she won't listen! So it's either she does it herself and runs the risk of tearing her stitches, or I help her.''

Travis simply draws his lips into a thin line and slowly nods his head in understanding.

''At least if I help then I can decide how quickly she sits up and lays down'' the boy adds in. Turning back to Adeline, he lowers himself down slightly and plasters all of his attention on her. ''You stubborn bitch.''

''Shut up'' Adeline scoffs lightly, although there was no malice behind it. She tightens her grip on Daniel's forearms, her face scrunching as she strains to sit up. ''I'm just bored. Been sitting around too much.''

''You've only been awake for two days!'' Daniel exclaims, mimicking her scoff with a slightly baffled one of his own. Pulling her completely into a sitting position, the young boy drags his feet off of hers and sits himself down on the bed just behind him, keeping his hands on the girls arms for a moment while she adjusts her position.

''Yea'' she agrees, shuffling her backside on the floor and pulling her legs underneath her before wriggling herself from Daniel's grasp and planting her hands down on either side of her backside. ''Two days too long of doing nothing!''

Travis, who until this point had been staring at the side of Daniel's head in a daze, blinks his eyes and shakes his head when he notices the young boy looking at him but rolling his eyes at Adeline. "So, you're the famous Addy then?" he asks, quickly changing the subject and silently praying he was not caught gawking. "The one that smacked my sister over the head with the handle of a pickaxe?"

"Uh..." she starts, flitting her eyes over to Daniel, - who merely raises his hands up in front of his chest as if to tell her she is on her own with this one - before glancing back to Travis with a guilty expression on her face. "Yea, uh, sorry about that."

It is abundantly clear to Travis that Adeline was not expecting that incident to be brought up, and so he quickly plasters a smile on his face to alleviate the tension before it even gets a chance to mist the air around them.

''No need to apologise'' he says, crossing one ankle over the other and mimicking the same action with his arms as he leans his body against the frame to the left. ''Although I am a bit pissed that I wasn't there to see it. Heard you messed her hair up.''

''She did'' Daniel chimes in, trying to stifle the chuckle that threatens to burst from his lips. ''Maggie was not happy."

"Tell me about it!" Travis responds with a small and breathy laugh of his own, "she couldn't get the blood out for three days! And I was the one who had to listen to her whining about it so... thanks for that."

Adeline says nothing as Daniel and Travis share a giggle at Maggie's expense, her gaze switching between the two boys, who appear to have forgotten that she is even there at all.

"Where is she, anyway?" Daniel asks after a moment, leaning forward as he rests an elbow on each knee and stares up to the boy.

''Well, that's actually what I came to talk to you two about. Maggie and I decided that it's about time you moved downstairs with us, and-"

The rest of Travis' conversation with Daniel turns into nothing more than a distant haze at that point, with the only thing swirling through Adeline's brain being the prospect of them being moved from the quiet room in the corner of the building.

She knew it was bound to happen at some point, but for it to be so soon after she awoke? Well, Adeline does not think she is ready for that yet. The young girl has barely gotten a chance to settle in here, never mind being chucked right into the deep end of this warehouse, that she knows houses a - for lack of a better term - shit tonne of people, who she does not know, or trust.

Hell, Adeline could not even say that she trusts those who she has met.

And what will happen when they do leave this room? What will they have Daniel and her doing? She knows for a fact that they will both have to contribute in order to stay, but what will that entail? Cooking? Cleaning? Spending her days stuffed inside this run down building doing menial work while Daniel is forced out into the Scorch? Who knows the kind of backwards way of life they have here.

Adeline does not want that, for either of them. She wants to be, no, needs to be outside. Not stuck in here every day.

Maybe she could just... leave?

Yea, she could totally just leave.

"Addy, did you hear that? We're getting our own room downstairs, with our own beds!"

But she promised Daniel she would stay.

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