Carol punched him on the face twice, Nadenka grabbing the back of his neck and sending her abilities through him, making electric shocks go through his body as he screamed in pain and his eyes turned sapphire for a moment.

But Thanos wasn't giving up so easily. He grabbed Carol's arm, and spun her around before throwing her away. He then grabbed Nadenka's hands and pulled her to the front and slammed her against the ground, making the young woman groan as her back landed against the soil.

She saw that he was about to place his foot on her, so she rolled to the side, using her abilities to grab his foot and slam him against the ground like he had done to her.

He sent a kick her way, making her fly back to where Carol was. She let out a groan and turned to the other woman, the two nodding once more and clenching their teeth when they saw him put on the glove.

They flew once more, and Carol grabbed his arm while Nadenka grabbed the glove, then the two tried to take it off him.

Unfortunately, Thanos wasn't budging. He tried to punch Carol off him, but his eyes widened when she didn't even flinch.

He then turned to Nadenka and tried to do the same, but his arm was being bent with sapphire before he could even lay a hand on her.

He gasped slightly when he was brought to a knee by the women, and with all of his might, he grabbed the Power Stone. He held it in his grasp, marveling at its beautiful color; and before anyone could react, he punched Carol off him, sending the woman away with the strength of the object.

When he turned to Nadenka to do the same, he was met with a set of furious blue eyes. Annoyed with her antics, he punched her with the stone...

... But she did not react.

Her smirk grew wider as lavender colored veins appeared on her body like stunning Jupiterian Greek designs, her red hair turned into violet fire, and her eyes filled with a lighter shade of fuchsia— leaving no room for her ocean eyes to be seen.

"What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear."

The stone seemed to recognize her, and she felt her abilities grow and overtake her like a tsunami when it arrived on land. She tilted her head at the feeling, before succumbing to it completely.

"In order to take the stone, you must lost that which you love. And everlasting exchange."

Her eyes were no longer a storm. They were an apocalypse of different shades of purple in her gaze, as her old self met her new one, and her smile turned malicious and vengeful.

"A soul for a soul."

"If I told you what I've lost, you wouldn't believe me. If I told you that we've met before, you'd mock me." Nadenka spoke bitterly.

Nadenka stared at the bottom, her fists clenching. Pietro walked beside her, holding her hand delicately with a soft smile.

"I guess we both know who it's gotta be." Clint spoke, Natasha nodding.

"I guess we do."

Pietro and Nadenka turned to them, shaking their heads.

"You have sacrificed your lives for too long. It's gotta be me." Pietro spoke. Nadenka turned to him with a startled expression.

"You're crazy." Nadenka spoke, Clint and Natasha observing them.

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