Two Teams in One

The team arrived at the station to see Brian and an officer. They seem stressed about something involving the girl who survived. "Sheriff." Aaron greets and Brian greets them back before he points to a room, "Hey! She's in an interrogation room." Melinda looked at him confused, "Why an interrogation room?" Brian looked at her and smiled but then looked back at Aaron. He sighed and rolled his eyes internally at the man in front of him. The officer ignored his boss and looked to the people who were trying to save their town with respect, "We didn't want the other people in the room to disturb her." David looked at them confused, "Why?" Brian sighed and looked at Melinda, "She only speaks Chinese. She won't talk to us in English." Melinda snipped at him before walking towards the interrogation room, "Just because she speaks Chinese doesn't mean she doesn't know English. I'll talk to her." Emily jumped up to go with her, "I'll come with." Melinda turned to her with curiosity, "You speak Chinese?" Emily held a hand up and had two fingers look like they were pinching something, "A little. Not fluent." Melinda nodded, "Ok. Let's go." Melinda and Emily walked into the interrogation room. The woman looked at the two unknown women who came in. She seemed very terrified about what had happened. "Nǐ hǎo. Wǒ shì méi lín dá·méi, zhè shì ài mǐ lì·pǔ lún dì sī. Nǐ hái hǎo ma?(Hello. I am Melinda May and this is Emily Prentiss. You ok?)" Melinda asks. The woman nodded her head in response trusting the two women in front of her. Melinda looked at Emily ready to translate seeing as she said she's not fluent but know a little. "She's ok." Melinda tells her and Emily nodded her head as the woman looked at them with confusion. She was shocked that she made it out of there alive. "Wǒ shì zěnme huó xiàlái de?(How did I survive?)" The woman asks and Emily shook her head, "Wǒmen bù zhīdào. Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?(We don't know. What's your name?)" The woman looked at them each before gulping, "Mǐn zhì." Melinda nodded "Nǐ rènshí zhège rén ma?(Did you know this man?" Mǐn nodded her head and Melinda grabbed her hand. Melinda sent her a small sympathetic smile and rubbed her hand with her thumb. "Tā shì shéi?(Who was he?)" Melinda asks and the girl sniffled, "Albert Brayden." Emily nodded, "Xièxiè.(Thank you.)" Melinda pat Mǐn's hand before getting up as her and Emily left the room. Emily looked at her confused on bits and pieces of what was said, "What'd she say? I only understood a few things." Melinda nodded and turned to her, "She knew who hurt her." The group walked over to them as Emily nodded. She remembered the name Mǐn told them. "Albert Brayden." Melinda nodded as Aaron looked at them with wonder of what they have. None of the team, with them, other than those two spoke Chinese. "What did you find out?" Aaron asks and Melinda began to explain, "You're suspect is Albert Brayden. Mǐn knew him." Derek nodded and pulled out his phone, "Calling Garcia." Derek grabbed his phone and called Penelope and she immediately answered. She was waiting for someone to call her for her expertise. "Hello?" Penelope answers and Derek began to ask her for important things to help their case, "Hey, you're on speaker. I need you to use that beautiful brain of yours to lookup an Albert Brayden." Jemma and Melinda looked at each other so confused as they've heard him call her nicknames before, but hearing the way he talked to her on the phone made it so much weirder. David noticed their confusion and leaned over to them to explain. "This is common. Don't stress your minds on it." David whispers to them and they nodded in understanding as Penelope began talking, bringing their thoughts away from their own. She began to explain what she had found about this guy. "Well, Albert is in the construction industry and has built multiple buildings in the town. He has worked for all fourteen of the victims in the past year multiple times. His criminal record says that he was arrested multiple times for abuse by his wife. How she stayed with him is shocking to me." Penelope tells them. Melinda leaned towards Derek's phone to ask for something, "Address?" Penelope pretends to scold, "Oh, Agent May, you doubt my expertise! It's already sent to your phones!" Derek smiled, "Thanks, Baby girl!"

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now